A tiefling boy named Valgrim is in search of the Assailants responsible for his mother and fathers death he is also accompanied by a aasimar paladin and a rouge ranger.
As Valgrim and what's left of his crew, the thought of his crew being picked off one by one making him want to tear Dracson apart. But Valgrim kept his cool, by the time they reach a open field Valgrim started scanning the Area.
"I got a bad feeling about this." Leoheart Says as he looks around.
Valgrim stops and hear laughing off in the distance.
"That's not creepy." Athena Says sarcastically.
"So the lot of you survived? Eh very well this time I get to kill you all." Vincent Says in a random area.
"Well why don't you get ya sneaking ass out of hiding and take this ass whooping like a man!" Troy shouts.
Valgrim see's a glint from a bush. Then a black dagger comes flying in aiming for Valgrim. Valgrim then catches the dagger by the handle with the blade of the dagger Very close to Valgrims face.
"Well aren't you a very accurate bastard aren't you?" Valgrim Says out loud
"Why thank you. Now if you don't mind please die!!!" Vincent Shouts as he pounces on Valgrim.
Leoheart pushes Valgrim out the way, when Vincent landed On the ground,Leoheart lunges at him and knee kicking Vincent sending him flying a few feet. Leoheart motions Valgrim and the rest to keep moving.
Valgrim and the rest continues to run after Dracson.
Vincent gets up and cracks his neck, from the sound of the crack even made some animals near by run away.
"So the black phantoms fire breathing human is going to be my opponent what a shame." Vincent scoffs.
"Who said I was human?" Leoheart Says Back jokingly as his hair glows blonde and his eyes glow yellow.
"Well then bring it on ya freak!" Vincent Says as he lunges at Leoheart shooting poison darts from his wrist.
Leoheart used his sword to block it as he blocks the first two darts but the third one grazed his arm. Leoheart looks at the grazed but shook it off , as he took a step Leohearts vision started to blur.
"Stings doesn't it? That is a special poison I made it's very potent when injected into the body of humans it kill ya quickly but I don't really care." Vincent scoffs as he walks to Leoheart who's on the ground
Vincent cuts a rope dropping a pile of rocks on top of Leoheart. Vincent starts to walk towards the rock pile.
"Well that's one less headache to deal with." Vincent Says as he walks away. He heard one of the rocks rumbling
As Vincent turns around he sees the rocks moving violently. Vincent walks to the rocks, takes his dagger and plunges it into the rocks but was stopped by a hand jettisoned out from the rocks and grabs his arm. And once where Leoheart was stands a devil with a black trench coat and a black tail with horns.
"Like i said IM NOT HUMAN!!!!" Leoheart snarls as he pulls Vincent Down, grabs the collar of his shirt and slams Vincent on the ground.
"Hehehe...hahahahaha..ahh a devil this going to be FUN!!!!" Vincent Shouts as his body starts convulse then a black scorpion tail jettisoned out from Vincent's back and smacks Leoheart releasing his grip.
As Vincent landed his eyes glowed orange and his body changed.his lower half started to change into a Scorpion body.
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"Ahh I know you, your the devil with the heart of a human. The fire breathing man, the dark lord belthen." Vincent Says in a feral snarl.
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Leoheart Says nothing as he tries to kick Vincent in the solar plexus. As Leohearts foot collided with his body Leoheart jumped back a few feet.
"You know that our captain works for one of your kind but our employer wants your captain." Vincent Says as prepares for an attack.
"Who's your employer? And what dose he want with Valgrim?" Leoheart Says as he grabs his saber.
"Well since your about to die, I guess I can tell you. Twenty years ago our captain was hired as a general for the demon lord malacoda. But the boy was no where to be found." Vincent Says as he pinched his claws.
"Hmph good luck trying to get our captain because he's not just a average demon you can just use as a puppet." Leoheart Says as he unsheathes his saber
"AND I WONT ALLOW IT !!!!" Leoheart shouts as he lunges at Vincent.
As Leoheart dashes at Vincent, Vincent used his stinger and attempted to stab Leoheart. Leoheart evaded his strikes as Leoheart leaped into the air Vincent transformed back to his human state and threw one of his poison daggers at Leoheart. Leoheart countered with his fire breathe
"TAKE , THIS SAY HELLO TO THE DEVIL IN HELL FOR ME ,THOUSAND NEEDLES OF THE BLACK WIDOW!" Vincent Shouts as he shot thousand needles into the air.
"HELL ...FIRE...BLAST!!!!" Leoheart shouts as he opens his mouth and a fire stream jettisoned out from his mouth melting Vincent's blades.
Vincent dug a hole quick enough to avoid Leohearts hell fire, as Leoheart landed on his feet. Vincent's Hand jettisoned out from the ground and grabbed Leoheart by the ankles.
"Well aren't you full of surprises lord belthen. To attack with such fire is admirable but your time is short." Vincent Says as he has his dagger in his free hand
"NOW DIE!!!!!" Vincent Shouts as he attempts to stab Leoheart in the neck.
"BURN IN HELL!!!" Leoheart shouts as he kicks out of Vincent's grip.
"TAKE THIS!!" Leoheart shouts as he cast shatter.
A shock wave of thunder jettisoned from Leohearts Hand and send Vincent flying a few feet into the semi burnt tree.
"Argh...dam you...you bastard" Vincent Says in pain from the force of shatter.
"Now now...when I say burn in Hell I meant burn in Hell." Leoheart Says with a grin.
"Hell Fire blast." Leoheart Says as he breaths a jet stream of fire escaped his mouth and burning Vincent to ashes.
"Captain just stay alive for your about to find the truth of your family." Leoheart mutters under his breath.
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