A tiefling boy named Valgrim is in search of the Assailants responsible for his mother and fathers death he is also accompanied by a aasimar paladin and a rouge ranger.
Valgrim and the rest of his crew enters the temple chasing Dracson and his crew, until they stumbled across Dracsons ship. As Valgrim steps forward out of the threshold of the room a fire ball hit Valgrim in the face. To Valgrim that felt like a paper ball hitting his face but knocked his head back.
"Ok who ever threw that paper you just made the list!!!" Valgrim Shouts as he looks up and sees Dracson and his crew standing on the other side of the room with a small body of water.
"Well las I commend ye for chasing us but we like our pray to give a proper show." Dracson Says mockingly.
"Well well at least I'm not oh what's the word I'm looking for?" Valgrim jokingly.
"A scum bag.?" Leoheart Says jokingly.
"Ah that's right at least I'm not a over grown poor excuses of a pussy pirate." Valgrim Says jokingly with a demonic grin.
"Grrr why you-!" Dracson Says before Bradshaw extends his arm out.
"Sir allow me." Bradshaw Says smiling.
"Hey brother if you don't mind I got the purple bastard." Vallen Says putting his hand on Valgrim shoulder.
"Fine Bradshaw be quick." Dracson grumbles.
"He's all yours brother." Valgrim snickers
Vallen walks forward to face Bradshaw.
"Well well looks like the batsy little boy came out to play." Bradshaw chuckles.
Vallen Says nothing and bites his thumb and starts bleeding.
"Forgotten one of ludarius, son of ushra I call upon the to grant thy power for me to become victorious. Now rise devils tear." Vallen Says as a black Hilbert formed from his blood.
"Fascinating tell what trick is that?" Bradshaw asked as he pulls his hooked tipped raiper
"You talk to much, and you don't interest me in the slightest." Vallen Says back.
Valgrim noticed Dracson and most of his crew started fleeing deeper in the temple.
Valgrim and his crew gives chase.
"Oh no you don't." Bradshaw Says as he swings his sword to cast Necromancy to stop Valgrim but was stopped by a wall of large ivy roots.
"You're opponent is me." Vallen Says In Druid.
"Ah so you know Druid." Bradshaw Says with a twisted smile.
Vallen doesn't answer him and takes up arms against Bradshaw.
"Oh you're the one who saved a little aasimar from a undead pirate captain." Bradshaw chuckles.
Vallen quickly lunges at Bradshaw and thrusts his halberd at Bradshaws chest but collided by Bradshaw's sword.
"Oh it seems I struck a nerve? Is that aasimar very important to you?" Bradshaw smiles evilly.
"What do you know about the rotten corpse that captured my love." Vallen Says with authority.
"Oh we were the one who was told to capture that little brat and handed him off to those pirates. But enough talk." Bradshaw Says before he grazed Vallens cheek and cuts his face and kicks him back.
"Hahaha. FROM THE LIGHT COMES THE DARK!" Bradshaw shouts as he transformed into a dark Lichee
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