A tiefling boy named Valgrim is in search of the Assailants responsible for his mother and fathers death he is also accompanied by a aasimar paladin and a rouge ranger.
"ALRIGHT BOYS LIGHT EM UP!!!" Troy shouts from the crows nest.
Saroas pulls the pin from the grenade and threw it on the ground. A portal opens and from the portal troops of robotic knights marching out of the portal. Leoheart,Kratox , And Lilith followed as many portals open an army of warforges walked out of the portal.
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"Well dam their big and how many wars did they fought?" Leoheart asked.
"Almost about 200. Mind you they fought Dracula's armies. They are powerful units." Vallen Says as he descend from flying.
"Are we ready?" Saroas asked
"Yes, Troy these units are already been briefed they know what to do just give the order and they will follow it!" Vallen Says before flying back.
"ALRIGHT YOU HEARD HIM MEN GIVE THEM HELL!!!!" Troy shouts before shooting his gun in the air.
All of Lock jaws army were risen to alert. To the sound of the gun shot. They armed cannons and fired at the robot knights the first cannon hit one of the knight but the knight caught the cannon ball and crushed it.
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"Well dam." Troy Says astonishingly
"Welp no time like present!" Leoheart Says before he jumps in the air and transforms into a fire dragon and breathes a line of hell fire breath from one end of the city to the other.
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