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BTW : There is no Astrid in this story.
But if you want her to be in the story just comment me.

*words* = my narration

Hiccups POV :

"We did it! the world's first Dragon-Viking utopia" I said to Gobber.

"your utopia maybe, mines less crowded and more..." then the cauldron bubbled and Gobber turned around to see a very fat terrible terror in the soup making him scream like a girl, because of this I grinned

"sanitary " he continued

Since I have been chief things have changed. Berk has never been better. Mom has been helping with my chief duties and Toothless has been enjoying being alpha. * Toothless nudge Hiccup on the shoulder *
I'm glad mom's here with me.

She has been telling me stories about her experiences as a dragon rider.  But I was much more intrigued by her story of a family that protects dragons, who lived in a waterfall on the sea and that they own Night Furies, well Furies.

*toothless keeps nudging Hiccup*
Oh!  I forgot....

"Gobber, I need to go on night patrol with Snoutlout could you take over for me "

"sure Lad, but come back soon or your mother will let me try her cooking " he replied, I laughed at his comment then run off.


As I saw Berk I was amazed. Dragons and vikings walking peacefully, and they weren't treated as war machines like Drago did, they were treated equally. They were helping each other. I am still invisible in their eyes, I need to find a place to hide Sky. I am not sure how they will react when they see a Light Fury.

Landing in what seems a Cove, I told Sky to stay. Taking off my cloak and rubbing it with Frostbite crystal so it would no longer make me invisible. Putting it back on I sighed. I feel nervous because I have to blend in with Vikings. I hope the dragon's won't notice I am a Guardian or I am done. All I need to do is to find Valka so I can have a proper introduction to the Chief or the Dragon Master.

As I entered the village, I awed everytime because this is everything I dreamed of;  Dragon's living peacefully among Vikings but less crowded and more .......

*you saw a dragon taking a bath in a cauldron*

Sanitary *you feel like vomiting *
Suddenly a Stormcutter dragon nudge me on my legs causing me to fall.

"oh, I am sorry. I don't know what's going on with Cloud Jumper lately. He has been like this all night, here let me help you up " said a sweet female voice.

"thanks" I said as I stood up while rubbing my head then I heard a gasp.

"y-Y/N? " I looked up and saw Valka.

I nod.

"come with me" she said as she motioned to go inside a house.

"we have a lot to talk about"

{ if you have any questions in the story, please tell me and I will answer your question. Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE 😊}

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