The Light Fury

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After hours of talking about new dragons that you discovered and exhausting adventures Valka got nostalgic

"what is it Val? " you ask

Val turns to you and sighs

"it's just that..... At your ceremony your parents were really proud of you and they would be even more proud now for what you have done. "

"Really? Well that would be surprising, he was always like 'do that!  do this! don't do it " you said in a frustrated tone.

"but now I realize he was there to guide me. Huh. " you sighed as a tear streamed down your cheeks

"I guess it's true, you'll realize how much you truly miss someone when that person isn't there "  you quoted as Valka wipes your tear then apologize.

"back to business" you said as you pulled her hand away from your wet face

"I want a proper introduction with the chief tomorrow, because we have a new threat rising. Since this village is now at peace with the dragons. I decided to work together with that chief "

"of course, I will let my son know right away after his patrol " she said as she lead you out the door. Where terrible terrors were gathering.

"huh? Seems like their the only one who sensed me. Oh by the way, don't tell him I'm a girl. I want them to be surprised "


Hiccups POV

After some exploring in the island, I decided to settle down since Snoutlout was too lazy to do much.

"So Hiccup, how are you moving on lately? " Snoutlout asked and this made me tense up.

"sorry what was that? "

"I know it's rough being chief and all but you could at least take a break " Snoutlout demand

"Snoutlout, I don't think you get it " I was cut off by Toothless suddenly running off to the forest

"hey bud, wait up! " I called out as me and Snoutlout run after him. He suddenly stop and then we saw

"Oh my god, he's not the only one " I gasped in amazement

"A Light Fury " Snoutlout awed in amazement. We came closer to the two Furies but when the Light Fury spotted us she flew away making toothless mad at us for disturbing their moment.

"oh, sorry" I apologize

The Light Fury blast a fire ball and entered it then just turned invisible.

"Did she just disappear!? She just disappear. Did you see that!? " Snoutlout exclaimed

"whoa..  We gotta tell the others come on bud! "

After a few minutes of flying I went home and called out my mother

"hiccup! " she called out

"I have something to tell you " we both say in unison

"you first mo-"

"The Guardian of dragons is coming here on Berk " this made me open my mouth then I started to hyperventilate
"the Guardian *gasp* of dragons *gasp* here! Oh my god, I've got to make preparations "

I run out to the gang who was in the great Hall . I came in panting. There I saw Ruffnut and Tuffnut arguing about animal farts, Fishlegs and Snoutlout about the Light Fury.

"guys you won't believe this -" unfortunately I was cut off by Snoutface.

"we know hiccup, I already told them about it "

"what no, it's the Guardian of Dragons, she's coming tomorrow !"

"what!?" they said in unison

"first the Light Fury, now a Dragon King " Snoutlout exclaimed

"or a dragon queen " protests Ruffnut

"I wonder if she knows what Dragon fart sounds like " we all look at Tuffnut concerned😕 except his sister who was thinking about it

"what! I'm just curious "

"what if the Guardian owns the Light Fury" Fishlegs theory was got me thinking.

If he's right then toothless got a chance of love.

"OK,  everybody let's get ready to meet this Guardian " I started giving orders to everyone

Back to your POV

As I went back to where I left Sky, I kept thinking about the coronation event


"you look so beautiful Y/N " my mother said.

"aww ,  stop it mom your making her blush " said my older cousin, Alexandrite. I punch him in the shoulder making him yelp in pain.

Holding my tears Sky nudge me on the knee making me lose my balance.

"hey!  I really need to teach you dragons discipline, you are more childish than me" after this comment Sky gave me a look saying "Really? " then huff

"fine your more mature, OK let's go. Tomorrow a big day "


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