🎵Can you Feel the love tonight🎵

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{ guys!  What do you think Hiccups MBTI type is;  and also what's yours? }

Your POV

Toothless was attempting to do a mating dance while Sky is staring at him confuse.

Toothless came closer to her but she attack him with her paw like a cat thinking he was weird

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Toothless came closer to her but she attack him with her paw like a cat thinking he was weird.

( i don't know what they call dragon's hands . but if you do know please inform me)

Then Hiccup was waving his arms up and down to make him look like flying. Toothless looked at the Viking then did a creepy dance making Sky scared. I started laughing when Hiccup gave a thumbs up to Toothless who gave a toothless smile.

" You are SUCH a great wing man. " I exclaimed trying to catch my breath.

"no need for sarcasm,  you know " I shush him when I saw Sky approaching Toothless and toothless, was a bit nervous.

I started humming a song
(can you feel the love tonight from the Lion King)  then Sky and Toothless chasing each other.

"hey,  wanna see something cool " I asked him.

He looked at me wide eyed then nod. I grab his wrist then ran over to the two dragons. We went around the waterfall, giving him a tour. We both jump off our dragons then I push him off to a pond but he didn't fall off. 

"your no fun at all! " I said as I crossed my arms

He sat down then take notes about other species of dragons for an hour. So I snatch his notebook and ran making him shout my name then chase me. But he caught me in the waist. He tried reaching his notebook but I threw it. Unfortunately, it wasn't that far.

"curse my throwing skills " I murmured.

After a while, we decided to rest so we collapsed on the ground near the beautiful pond.

"this place is amazing" he mumbled.
He turned to me and asked

"so, what's your background story? "

"well, my parents are the leaders of the Guardians and apparently I have to take over " I sighed.

"what happened to them? "
I sat up so did he.

"my cousin got shot in the back. My mom got stab. And my Dad was engulfed by the fire "

"your friends? " he asked raising a brow.

"I don't have any. I was such a weakling who can easily get mad and sad. I used to be the nicest person in town but when I knew they were just using me to be Leader since they thought I am so weak that my dad would replace me. I started being mean. But I was still weak so they have an advantage "

I look over the dragons flying above us which made me to calm down a little bit.

"You See hiccup....  People are not really who they say they are. Sometimes they use you for their own selfish needs. "

"not all" he mumbled. I turned to him to hear his story.

"I too was called weak. I never fit in with the crowd, I knew I was different. My father use to treat me like someone skimped his meat. " he stood and tried to imitate his father.

"excuse me barmaid, I ordered for an extra strong boy with guts and glory on the side, not this skinny fish bone" I laughed at his impersonation.

Then he stopped and look at me
"then I showed them that dragons aren't really pest but friends that can help us with out life. "

"I can't believe your story, it is so sad. Yet you stay smiling all day " he continued

"chief, a smile is not just to express happiness but also to hide all your negative emotions inside of you "

Suddenly a Triple Strike came crash landing in front of us. I ran over to the injured Striker to see a large gash on the belly. I called for the other dragons to find a herb that can cover his wound. A Gronkle came over and gave me what I need.

"Chief, I need you to go Now!" I said turning to him.

He was confused but walked over to Toothless. Before he could get on the saddle he turned to me.

"Let's meet again, this time in Berk "
He said as he flew off.

{ hey guys,  again thank you for reading. Please answer my questions in the past chapters and this chapters question. Please Vote, Comment and Share. }

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