The One & Only

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I put on my shoes and Light Fury cape then jump on Sky

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I put on my shoes and Light Fury cape then jump on Sky.  With my mother's Skrill and cousin's Screaming Death at my side I flew out with the some dragons: 5 Dramillion, 2 Thunderdrums. What? I wanna show off.

When we arrive at Berk, people were surrouded at the center of the village.
Dramillions blasted different kinds of fire balls while Thunder Drums roared to announce my presence. Vikings gasped at the sight of me and Sky.

"Let's do this" Sky huff when I said this

"aww,  come on Sky I know it's hard. But if things are too easy life would be sooooooo Dull! "  I exclaimed to Sky.

Sky does a loop-t-loop making me fall off but landed on Sky with my feet at her back making more people are in wonder. Like I said I like to show off.

Now in a position like surfing I then sat on the saddle. As Sky landed on the ground I took off my hood letting my H/C flow earning some gasp. I am not used to this crowd of people. So I bowed showing respect.

"I am Y/N Stone, You know me as Guardian of Dragons and Hidden World. May I ask where your chief is " I yelled

I felt a tap on the shoulder and I turned around to see a man with shaggy brown hair and eyes so green that it can turn carbon dioxide to oxygen. He was not I expected. He was skinny not like his father, Stoick the Vast. Well, expect the unexpected.

He clears his throat then introduce himself

" Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III. You must be the one and only Treacherous Rider of Northern Seas."

" I'm flattered by my title, but does it really have to be treacherous?"

He chuckled at my comment. When we lock eyes he quickly averted. There was an awkward silence, thankfully he broke it.

"uhmm, do you want a tour of Berk. "

"sure" i said as i hop on Sky's back. Once he was on his Night Fury's back, i gasped in wonder. I notice the night fury was staring at Sky like how a man would when he is in love.

We flew up, seeing the Vikings and dragons in harmony made me smile. I notice Hiccup keep on staring at me.

"wanna see a trick " he yelled, I nod.

Then he blasted off flying over the sea, following him he jumped off his dragon. I was about to rescue him but then flaps made for flying appeared on him. He looked at my face filled with wonder.

Hiccups POV

I saw her smile at my act. When I look back I saw a huge rock

"oh no, " I murmur.

Thankfully Toothless grab me then shoot the rock. We crash landed. Once I stood, Y/N jump off her dragon.

"that was amazing! " she exclaimed

"well, except for the crash. Anyways how did you make that? " she asked while looking around at my flying suit. 

"uhmm, just a new invention " I mumbled

"welcome to Itchy Armpit " she raised a brow then I gestured to her the Island.

She turned around fixing her H/C hair. A wow left her mouth. She turned back around raising her finger and was going to ask, but I beat her to it.

"Toothless, my dragon named it," I pointed to Toothless who kept glancing on the Light Fury.

"your really bad at names " she said

"really, then what's your dragon's name? " I said approaching the white dragon, petting it's head.

"Sky, oh he's adorable " she said scratching toothless neck making him purr. She keeps on baby talking to toothless.

'Yeah, give the Dragon allll the attention.  '

She turned around to smile then notice something behind me.

"uhmm chief" she pointed to a place where there was smoke.

We flew at top speed, to see what was going on and we saw..........

Drago's Bewilder Beast.

{ cliff hanger! Anyways thank you for reading this book.

Question : in the RTTE season, what is your most favorite dragon and why?

Slither wing


Screaming Death

Triple Strike

Or Dramillion

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