I'm like LOKI

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I was now limping, hiccup when this is over I am gonna throw you to Asgard and let Thor have mercy on you for you have made your girlfriend furious!

Hiccups POV

Y/N is so gonna kill me after all of this! No, I have to just carry on and defeat Grimmel.

I went near to Grimmel as he locked Sky, toothless growled for he does not want her to be in this situation.

I made a sign to tell him to plasma blast to distract him. Once he did, I went over to Sky, and try to unlock with Inferno.

While toothless was fighting off Grimmel's men, I freed sky then

"hiccup haddock! " cried Grimmel. "we meet again"

"well, I would say it's nice to see you but that would be a lie " I stated putting inferno on fire.

"well that's not how you greet someone " he started, he charged at me but I blocked his sword. He was now inches from my face so was the sword to my chest

"I heard many stories of you, on how you tamed a night fury but you did not kill IT " furious at his statement, I push back. I kicked him in the knee bringing him down but he got up immediately by doing a back flip

"uhmm, he has a name you know " I pointed a sword at him

"toothless was it. What an unlikely name for a strike class " he tapped his chin pretending to be in deep thought till a voice came in

"that's what I........... Keep saying...... To him...... "Y/N says between gasps

Grimmel and I both look at her astound, that she was still standing but with scars all over her body.

3rd persons POV

"also never leave a girl behind because she's the only one who can finish the fight " you charged at Grimmel then swing your sword. Unfortunately, he dodged it and you started fighting while Hiccup was attacking his men

"do you ever die " he snarled

"I'm like Loki, no matter how many wounds you stab... I will always get up!" you finally thrust your sword in his shoulder making him grimaced

But then he laugh it off, "you naive little girl" he chuckled

And before you know it, you were hit by something in the back of your head
Hiccup saw this, and tried to run to you but he also saw that Grimmel had toothless captured in a net, trying to get out. But alas, the boat sailed away with you and his dragon

Leaving hiccup alone, crying for what he was gonna lose. First his leg, then his father and now toothless and the love of his life.

He cried and apologies for everything he has loss, then he heard a grumble. A light fury grumble to be exact.

Sky nudge him, Hiccup was relief to know she's fine and patted her head

"were going to get her back, but first we need the team "


Sorry guys for not updating soon. Please forgive me. I have been having writers Block on this one because

Httyd3 is coming...

And that means it will be the last thing I will have of hiccup.

But I'm back with plans and I hope I won't disappoint you my precious jewels

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