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Drago's bewilder beast was laying there lifeless. And Drago.........

Was nowhere in sight.

But there was a ship filled with weapons. You saw a man who you who don't wanna see ever again.

He had blonde hair and was buff. He was slaying the Bewilder Beast.

"Even though it's Drago's, doesn't mean the dragon deserve this," you whispered glaring at the person.

The blonde keep on demanding his men. You were so furious and at the same time scared by his doing.

"Y/N , we need to go, Now! " Hiccup whispered -shout.

You looked at him then agreed to go. As you saddled up with your dragon. It was silent till you broke it.

"chief, I need to go .. " You said as you fly off while he yelled at you.

*** time skip ***

You arrive at the Waterfall. Jumping off Sky you started throwing pebbles on a lake.

Giving off a frustrated yell you decided to settle down. Sky nudges you to calm you down.

"I'm sorry Sky, it's just that. I thought he's gone for good now he's back. " you lay down then dreamed the nightmare you have every night.


You were lead by your cousin to the where your father is, holding his scepter.

When you got there, your father smiled at you.

"do you Y/N Stone, promise to protect the hidden World as well as the dragons around the archipelago. With your life " I nod at his statement. Then he place the top of his scepter on my head.

"I here by announce you as an official Guardian of the Dragons"

everyone cheered but others clap slowly giving you a smug look. But you brush it off.


Fire. You saw fire everywhere. Your cousin came to you and carried you bridal style. Putting you on the Sky's saddle. Then you heard screaming. You looked around to see your mother being stab in the heart by Grimmel.

You cried, grabbing a sword that was left on the ground, you tried to slice Grimmel. However, he saw you coming blocking your attempt. You were struggling to keep hold on you sword. But he kept on saying things that everybody would say.

"why if it isn't the dainty Guardian. You don't deserve to be a guardian. You're too weak even your parents know that. You are - " he was cut off when your father hit him with his hammer. Your cousin grab your arm then put you on Sky again.  But before he could get on his Dramillion he was shot in the arrow by......  Drago.

You screamed but Sky already flew out leading the other dragons to safety with your mothers Skrill and cousin's dramillion.

✴✴✴✴✴✴end of dream✴✴✴✴

You woke up to see a pair of green eyes watching at you intently. You screamed but he shush you.

"When ? Why? What? How did you get in here?! "

"you'd be impressed by what I can do" he smirk as you gave him a death glare.

"dragons don't usually let strangers in" you mumbled

"have you forgotten that I'm the dragon master "

You rolled your eyes at his comment then looked around to search for Sky.
It was a silent walk since you don't know what to say.

Luckily you spotted Toothless in a daze while looking at Sky. You chuckled which made hiccup confuse. 

"I think someone's in love " you pointed to toothless.

Hiccup grinned.

"Toothless go and introduce yourself "
Toothless walk over to Sky but slipped on the sand making him stumble. Hiccup face palmed himself. You bit your lip to try and hide your gigles.

"this is gonna be quite a show. " you whispered to hiccup while he smiled.

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