Just Crazy

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{ hiccups annoyed faces above.}

.Before you have seen the ship.

Your POV

"so Y/N, what is with your family's reputation?" Fishlegs asked

"Uhmm, they have been saving and rescuing dragons from extinction and they may have destroyed some villages while doing it" I said a bit uncomfortable.

I never had the heart to kill someone and if I would WANT to kill someone, I would ask someone to do it for me.

"why should we just talk about it when we can walk about it" hiccup said trying to break the uncomfortable atmosphere. Fortunately, he made me chucked at his attempt.

"seriously that's where your going for? " I said raising an eyebrow. Then I spotted a ship. I gestured to Sky to go closer leaving the gang behind. This ship looks familiar.

3rd persons POV

"Tough crowd H. Don't worry I've been there " said Tuffnut trying to comfort his friend, which wasn't helping

Hiccup look a bit annoyed once Tuff and Ruff followed you. Then he noticed where you were heading












Bezerkers Ship?! (you thought it was Grimmel, didn't you 😎)

"oh no " hiccup mumbled,

Your POV

When I saw Dagur the deranged with a Triple Strike, I was furious and at the same time confuse. He was baby talking the dragon while scratching it's chin. Then a woman with a pixie cut came over with a baby in her hand.

Hiccup then fly beside me.

"I Don't understand....  Dagur with a Dragon? How long have I been on that mission " I asked dumbfounded by the sight of Dagur and his wife holding the baby.

"well, things have changed for-" before he could say anything, Snoutlout flew past us and went to the ship and fist pump Dagur. Me and Hiccup went over there

"brother! " exclaimed Dagur.

My eyes widened, he has a brother.

"h-hey Dagur " hiccup stuttered. As Dagur hugged him tightly.

Once he spotted me he looked scared, it must have been the emblem of my family on my cape.

"don't worry I'm here in peace unless you want to kill one more Dragon then I would gladly take your life " I said acting all tough.

"no need for that, hiccup taught me how magnificent dragons are and how loyal they can be" he said while the Triple Strike nudge him on the shoulder.

Hiccup took me by the hand and left the others behind to whisper something to me.

"No matter how crazy they are they can change. So theres nothing to be afraid of " I look at Dagur and saw him holding the baby.

"he is such a wee little thing " said Dagur while rocking the baby.

"Dagur, if you drop him, I swear you will get it " said his wife.

I chuckled at the sweetest couple I have ever seen they remind me of my cousin and his girlfriend.


"hey! " I yelled at Alex while he was arguing with his girlfriend in a cute and fun way.

"oh please, your missing the point here" said Blist while grinning

"he does that sometimes, well mostly" I said

"ah! My sister and girlfriend against I am sooo disappointed " he said placing his hand where his heart is. Acting hurt by our words.

Blist punch him in the shoulder lightly then kissed his cheek. It was time for me to leave them alone
******** end of Flashback ******

We went back to Berk, and Hiccup suggested that I should stay so I did. But I did not stay in his house! but a spare one around the village. It wasn't that far away from his and where Sky would be sleeping. 

Once I got into bed, I shut my eyes. Then I heard something. I look around to see

"sky?! " I exclaimed. Sky kept nudging on me, I guess she really took it seriously to protect one another.

"OK,  *yawn* good night" I said finally getting some shut eye.

{hey guys!  You just met Dagur the Deranged. I know there is some RTTE reference in this, it's just because I love RTTE! I just uploaded a Jack Frost x Reader Book. If you also love him you can check on it. Don't worry, I'll keep on writing this book every week or day.  Don't forget to Vote, Comment And Share }

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