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Avril POV

I woke up happy? I usually wake up depressed and I have to to my anti-depressants. Come to think of it I haven't been taking my meds.Oh well.

I looked at the time and it was 8 a.m. Shit!!!!!!! I'm supposed to perform at 10!!! I rushed to the front room and saw Robert drinking his coffee.

"Robert why didn't you wake me up???" I asked.

"You were sleeping peacefully. It's been awhile since you slept so calm." He said.

"I have to perform at 10. Are we even their yet??" I asked him.

"We actually just got into Indiana. So if I was you I would go and change. It's supposed to be nice today." He said and went back to drinking his coffee and fading a magazine.

I went back to my bunk and got changed. ^^^^^outfit on top^^^^^
I grabbed and saw that I had a message from my father.

Outlaw: We'll be there. We'll be in the booth in the right corner. <3 u.

God there is so much I want to say to him. I just want to go up to him and hug him and never let go.

I went to the front room and saw that we made it to Warped Tour. There was only about 5 fans waiting by my bus. I guess they got here early.

"Ready?" Robert asked.

"As I ever be. Where is the other guards?" I asked him.

"I decided that you don't need them. You are stuck with me." He smiled.

"Yay. This gonna be so much fun." I said sarcastically.

"Lets just go." He said.

He opened the door and I thought there was only 5 fans but instead there was a parking lot full of fans.

"OMG it's Avril Lavigine!!" A group of girls said.

"Hi everyone." I said.

They screamed.

"Can I get your autograph?" One boy asked.

"Can I get a picture?" A girl asked.

I took a picture and sign the autograph. When I signed the autograph I noticed the tattle on the persons arm. I look up and it was Jordan. Roberts must have seen cause he grabbed my hand.

"Sorry guys but Ms.Lavigine has to go and get ready." He said.

I waved to everyone and left. I couldn't stop thinking about Jordan. He is looking better without Rebel in his life.

"You ok?" Robert asked me.

"Yeah it's just that guy with the green hair back there used to be my boyfriend. I still love him, but he seems better off." I said.

"Actually no he's not." Robert said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused.

He looked up something on his phone and handed me it. I took the phone and looked. He was on Jordan's YouTube. I looked at his videos and I froze.

There was videos about me. "Where are you Rebel?" One said. "I'm lost without Rebel?" Another said. Than one stopped my heart. "I lost my Rebel and it's my fault". I handed the phone back to him.

I walked silently the whole way there. I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into someone and fell on the ground.

"Are you ok?" That voice is so familiar

I looked up and it was CC.

"U-I'm ok." I said.

He helped me up. I looked at his wrist and he had my braclet that I gave him.

"Nice bracelet." I said.

I looked at him in the eyez and I could not see the happy CC anymore.

"Thanks, my best friend gave me it." He said.

"I gotta go. See ya around." I said .

I left with Robert. We head to my tent. I sat there for 2 hours signing and taking pictures. I finally had a breakdown. I was on my phone by my bus when I was interrupt.

"Avril, it's time for your set." Robert said.

"Ok. Let's go." I said.

A new chapter I'm on fire.

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