Chapter .10.

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^^^I am in love with ruby rose^^

Ashley POV

It was just a normal day on the bus. Well not exactly normal since Rebel left. We were on the tour bus heading towards L.A.
We all were in the front of the bus. Everything was peaceful till Jake spoke.

"Holy shit." he said.

"What is it now?" jinxx asked.

"Turn on the news." he said.

Andy grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. It was that singer Avril Lavigine.

She was coming out of the Plane and reporters were asking her questions. Than Scout asked her a question.

"Did your father ever abused you to act this way?" she looked over and it was Scout asking her that question.

That's when she exploded.

"Listen here you low-life piece of shit!! My fans are every thing to me. I never had a fucking affair. I fucking didn't pick my mom over my dad!!! And my father never fucking abused me. If anything he is the best dad in the world. So how about you take that microphone and shove it up you ass you blond fake slut!!!" She yelled at her.

Her bodyguard took her hand and pulled her away before she could say anything else.

"Reporters has said Account Compton interviews for Rocksoumg magazine has been fired. The company is pressing charges. She is sent to a year of probation and a fine of 250,000 dollars for fake news and evidence." than Jinxx turned off the T.V.

Its was silent. Till CC spoke.

"Did that sound like Rebel?"

"It did." jinxx said.

"She was the only one who always had grunge against her and always blew up if she lied." Jake said.

"Now come on guys. Anybody can act like Rebel. Rebel is gone. She is never coming back ever." Andy said.

I got up and slapped him. Everyone gasped. I looked at Andy and he was shoxked which turned to anger.

"What the fuck was that for!" he yelled standing up.

"How can you fucking.say that. About my own fucking daughter? She will be back. Its pathetic that you think that she is never coming back." I said.

"Look around Ashley. You need to wake the fuck up. Rebel Purdy is never gonna be fucking back. She is gone and she will always be gone. She is never gonna come back!!" he yelled at me.

Jinxx got in the middle of it.

"Andy shut the.fuck up. Rebel is Ashleys fuckimg daughter. You are practically making it like its his fault that she left. How about you fucking wake up." Jinxx said.

I had.enough of this. O stormed out.of the front room and went to the bathroom and locked the door. I slid down the door and sat on the floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried.
Cried like I never cried before.

"Rebel please come back." I cried.

Its been 3 hours and all the guys tried to get me out. All except Andy. Fucking figures. I looked at my arm and traced my scars.

Maybe it won't hurt. Just one cut. No Ashley. One cut turns into 5 which turns into 20. I looked at the counter and there stood a razor. I was about to reach it when a knock made me jumped.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Its Andy . Ashley baby please open up." he begged.

I just stayed silent. I can here him sitting down on the other side.

"In sorry Ashley. I should have not said that. Its just we only have seen her a couple of days ago and she left again. I wasn't trying to make it sound like it was your fault. I was just upset and everything." he said.

He sounded like he was about to cry.

"Than why did you get mad when the guys said that Avril sounded like Rebel?" I asked him.

"Because I believe that Avril Lavigine is somehow connected to Rebels whereabouts. I just got mad with everything going on. I know that sometimes I say stupid shit all the time. I'm not normal. But I will try to be normal for you Ashley. I love you." he said.

My heart clenched.

I stood up and unlocked the door and opened it. There sat Andy. His makeup was smeared. His eyes were red and puffy.

"I don't want normal Andy. Normal is sitting on the washer and nobody wants that. Now get up and kiss me." I giggled.

He got up and pulled me In to a kiss.

Hey guys I'm back with another chapter. I decided that it was time for And and Ashley to have their own scene. Also my bestie user87057803 published a new story. Go and follow her and read her story. See ya.✌

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