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Avril POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I turned around and landed on a tattooed chest. I looked and it was Sam. I was confused. I looked down and I was naked. Then i rembered. I am no longer a virgin.

I was snapped out when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and it was Jordan. I answered it real quick.

"Hold on." I told him.

I threw on Sams short, pair of shorts, and tennis shoes.

"Hello?" I asked closing the door to the hotel.

"Hey Rebel, is it a bad time?" he asked.

"No, not at all. Is something wrong?" I asked getting into the elevator.

"Yea. I met someone." he said.

I was not that shocked . I mean I was with Sam so I was technically cheating.

"Rebel?" he asked.

"That's great. I'm hoping we can still be friends?" I asked.

"Of course we can still be friends. Thank you for understanding." he said.

"No problem. I gotta go. Bye Jordan." I said.

"Bye Rebel." he said.

I hung up. I don't feel any kind of regret. Eh at least were both happy. I got to the breakfast room and it was filled with breakfast.

I was about to head to the table when I felt a pair of tattood arm around me. I looked back and it was Sam.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning." he said in his cute morning voice.

I turned around and found that he wasn't wearing a shirt just his jeans.

"You are aware that you are shirtless?" I asked him.

"Yep, enjoying the view?" he teased me.

I laughed.

"Sure. Lets get breakfast." I said.

We head to the table and like old days piled our plates up with food. We head to a table in the back. We started eating. Sam nudged my arm. I looked at him.

"Hey, do you remeber when we were like them?" he asked me pointing behind me.

I looked behind and it was a group of teenagers. 5 to be exact. They were dress in dark clothing and people were staring at them as they pile their plates.

"Your talking about when we had that show here in L.A. Yea I remeber. When we came down here they all stared at us like we were aliens." i said.

Sam laughed.

"Yea, they were all drinking champagne and eating a salad or fruit while we piled our plates with mounds of food." he said laughing.

I laughed to.

"Those were the good times when we were a band." I said.

"Yea. A band." he said.

We got quiet after that. I guess talking about it brings up bad memories.

We were interrupted when a girl from the group of friends we saw came to our table.

"Excuse me. Hi, my name Willow. My friends and I wanted to know if you guys are the lead guitarist and lead vocalist of the cover band Fallan Angels?" she asked us.

"Were not a band no more but yes. I am Sam Radke lead guitarist and that is Rebel Purdy lead vocalist." Sam said.

The girl started jumping. Then I saw her friends excited to.

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