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(Andy blacks new video^^^)

Ghost POV

I saw that sing Avril get up and leave but than something caught my eye. A ring. I made that ring for Rebel.

"Ill be right back guys." I said.

I followed her to the bathroom. Before she closed it i pushed her in and locked the door. She turned around and had a shocked look on her face.

"I know that's you Rebel." I told her.

"How did you know?" she asked me.

"Your ring. I gave u that for your 16th birthday." I said.

Out of nowhere she hugs me. I hugged her back. Than she started crying.

"What's wrong Rebel?" I asked rubbing her back.

"I can't keep up this lie. I miss my dad and Andy. I'm hurting CC and you guys. CC practically told me that I'm still missing because of the reason I left. I'm just messed up." she said.

She cried again.

"Rebel than don't keep living in This lie. If this lie is hurting you that much than don't." I said.

I thought she was gonna agree but I was mistaken.

"I can't." she said pulling back.

"What do you mean you can't?" I asked her.

"I. I signed with Elias." she said turning away.

Elias?!?! Why the hell would she signed with him? He tried to take her dads band!!!

"Rebel why did you sign with Elias? Do you not know what he tried to do to your dads band? He tried to take Andy and make him sign over to him and leave Black Veil Brides." I said.

"I'm not Rebel I'm Avril Lavigine the teen icon." she said.

"Wow. Just wow. I don't know even know who I'm talking to anymore. Your so caught up in the fame and lie your acting like like Abby. Do what u want Avril. Keep living in a lie. When you finally stop lying to yourself. Everyone you love will be gone." I said and left.

Rebel POV

After Ghost left I broke down crying. Why? Why am I such a screw up?!

I punched the mirror and it cracked. I look at the mirror.

"Are you Rebel or Avril? Are you Lavigine or Purdy?" I asked myself.

I shook my head and went back to my seat. I didn't look behind me. I didn't even look at Robert.
I'm such a screw up.

I mean I deserve all the things him and CC said. I know it was wrong of me to align with Elias but they found me first. That was the only label that will sign me.

"We will be arriving in L.A. in 30 minutes. Please fasten your seat belts." the fa said.

We fasten our seat belts. I looked out the window and I saw L.A.
Feels good to be back home.

We landed and got off if the plane. When i got to the airport lobby I was surrounded by reporters and fans.

"Me.Lavigine is it true that you dont care about your fans?" the reporter asked.

"Did you pick you mom over your dad?" another asked.

"Is it true that you had an affair?" another one asked.

"Did your father ever abused you to act this way?" i looked over and it was Scout asking me that question.

That's when i exploded.

"Listen here you low-life piece of shit!! My fans are every thing to me. I never had a fucking affair. I fucking didn't pick my mom over my dad!!! And my father never fucking abused me. If anything he is the best dad in the world. So how about you take that microphone and shove it up you ass you blond fake slut!!!" I yelled at her.

Robert took my hand and pulled me away before I could say anything else.

I was so angry. So angry. I tried to calm down but that so was not working. When we got to the hotel I went straight to the bed and screamed into the pillow.

I started punching the pillow. Punch after punch after punch. I can't deal with this lie anymore!!!!

"Avril are you ok?" Robert asked me.

"Iian mine." I said in the pillow.

"No your not. I may be old but I'm not dumb."  Robert said.

"It gets tiring." I said sitting up.

"What gets tiring?" he asked me.

"The lying. I have to lie to everyone. My fans, family, friends. The whole world. I either keep living the lie and follow my dream of being famous. Or exposed myself at my L.A. show and show everybody that Rebel Purdy is back." I said.

"Well what is your heart telling you? Whatever your heart is telling you follow. It." with tha being said he got up and left to guard the outside of the door.

"That's the thing Robert. My heart is telling me to expose myself." I whispered.

Hey guys I'm back. I k ow its been over a no th. I actually got my account back. Wattpad is being stupid and logged me out of Wattpad. But now I'm back and ready to write. Now for my other story Fifty Shades Of Purdy. Another chapter will be up very soon. See ya next time✌. Btw QueenRaven7 is gonna be writing to on the Ashley Purdy daughter series. She is my #1 fan.

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