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Rebel POV

After i explained it to CC he just stared at me.

"Please say something? Anything?" i asked him.

"I dont know what to say. You left because of drama and that we are better off without you. Now thats pathetic.." he said.

I was taken back. Is this the CC i know.

"Ive made a a name of myself. I aint living in my fathers shadows anymore." i defended.

"Listen. Im glad that you made a name of yourself. You were never in the shadows of your father. You got all those gigs by yourself. You made that band by yourself. You've made those friends by yourself. So dont sit here and tell me that you are tired of living in your fathers shadow when you are doing it." he said sternly.

He got up from the table and put on his jacket.

"All im saying the Rebel i know would never have said that. The Rebel i knew would try and make it work, but the person that's in front of me i don't even know her. She is just some stranger who sat down at my table." he said.

He got to the door and said one last thing the shattered my heart.

"To me Rebel Purdy is still missing and she is never coming back." with that being said he left.

A single tear slipped down my cheek. I've hurt CC so much. I quickly wiped it off and left the bar. I put on my helmet and got on my bike and left to the venue.

I parked the bike in the trailer and went to the bus. I opened the door and went in. I told the driver we can go. I walked past a sleeping Robert and straight to the bathroom.

I covered up the tattoos and took out my piercings. I put on a black tank top and white skinny jeans with my black combat boots.I finally put on the wig. I looked in the mirror.

"This is not me." i told myself.

Remeber what Elias said.


"Elias i dont think i can keep up this lie" i told him.

"What change your mind?" he asked me.

"I miss my family too much. I cant keep up with this lie. Its hurting to many people." i said.

"No its not." he said

I was shocked. I know my disappearance is hurting people.

"What are you talking about?" i asked.

He let out a sigh and stood up. He went to his filing cabinet and pulled out a file with my real name on it. He sat in his chair and gave me the file.

"What is this?" i asked him opening it.

"I knew this was gonna happen so i came prepared." he said.

In the file was pictures. Pictures of everybody happy. There was one of my old band smiling and laughing even Sam was in there. There was one with Jordan and girl kissing. I quickly moved on to the next picture. My dad and Andy are laughing and kissing. Jake and Jinxx look happy what seems like they are dancing. Than there was CC being silly. I closed the file and put it on the desk.

"You see you made the right choice." he said.

"Yea i did." i said.

"Plus its show business." he said.

~End of flashback~

"Its show business." i told myself.

"Avril its time to go." Robert said.

I nodded he grabbed my two suitcases and we head inside the airport. When we were about to board a familiar voices were talking. I looked behind and froze.

There stood Jordan, Sam, Raven, Alex, and Ghost. They were walking to tge same oassage as mine.

"Robert." i whispered.

He looked behind me and saw.

"Lets go." he said.

Robert handed our tickets to the lady and she escorted us to our seats. I don't like to waste money on first class so we got regular seats.

"Would like anything miss. Lavigine?" the flight attended asked.

"Ill have a club soda." Robert said.

I looked at the other person and she put Jordan and them right behind us.

"Can i have a glass of Jack Daniels please." i said.

"Ill be back with your drinks." she said and left.

"Really?" Robert questioned me.

"Hey i deserve this." i said.

The flight attendance gave us our drinks.

"Why do you deserve it?" Robert asked me taking a drink of his soda.

"The only reason why i am on this plane and heading back to L.A. is all because of that no good lying whore Scout Compton. She put words in my mouth." i said.

I downed the glass in one drink. I groaned as the burning liquid went down my throat.

"Excuse me. Can i have your autograph?" i heard someone ask me.

I turned around and it was Raven.

"Sure." i said smiling.

I took the notepad and signed my name.

"There you go." i said.

"Thank you." she said.

"Your welcome." i said.

I told Robert i had to go to the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom someone pushed me in the bathroom and locked the door. I looked up and it was Ghost.

"I know it you Rebel."

Hello im back. Ive been so caught up with school i never had time to write. I will do my hardest to up date every once or twice a week. See ya nect time.✌

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