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Ashley POV

It has been a 2 hours. Andy and Rebel has not woken up. The doctor said that they were lucky that if they pull through. Now I'm sitting and waiting in the room which contains the love of my life and my precious daughter.
I grabbed my daughter and boyfriemds hands.

"Please wake up. Please. I dont know what I'll do. I dont know what to do. The doctors are saying that you might not even wake up." I said.

"On top of that they are charging you with manslaughter. They aint beleiving what I'm saying. They think I'm just covering up for you," I said.

I looked at them and nothing has changed. Not a face expression or annything.

"Please wake up. Both of you guys dont deserve this," I said.

I heard the door open. I turned around and saw Jinxx and the guys.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well we heard what happaned. We were on ghe other side of warped tour when a fan told us about it," jinxx said.

"How are they doing?" Jake asked as they sat down or leaned up against the wall.

"They um, they um," I couldnt form the words.

CC came over and hugged me that's when I lost it. I broke down sobbing like a baby. I could not stop.

"They might not make it!!" I cried in his chest.

I felt the other guys arms around me. I just kept crying to the point of exhaustion. Then I heard the 2 sound that I hated. The 2 lifeline's when beep.

"NURSE!!!" I heard jinxx yell.

Nurses and doctors came rushing in. The guys picked me up and litraley dragged me out of the room while I was thrashing around.


"Ashley, calm the fuck down!!" Jake yelled at me.


I was breathing heavy.

"I, I just want to know if they are gonna make it. That's it," I said.

Rebel POV

"Ready for the next episode of Batman Andy?" I asked.

"Yea, just finishing the popcorn," he said.

He sat on the couch and put the popcorn between us. I pushed play and we watched the next episode of Batman.


"Andy did you hear that?" I asked him pausong the episode.

"Hear what?" He asked.

"Ashley, calm the fuck down!!" I heard Jake yelled.

"Was that Jake?" Andy asked getting up from the couch.

"I think that was. I don't see him though," I said.

"Please wake up. Please. I dont know what I'll do. I dont know what to do. The doctors are saying that you might not even wake up." I heard my dad said.

"That's Ashley. Wait are we in a coma?" He asked.

"I don't know," I said.

Everything around us turned to black. I was so confused.

"Andy what's happening?" I asked.

"I don't know. Are we dying?" He asked.

"I don't know," I said.

Andy POV

I'm so confused. Are we dying? Are we in a coma?

"Hey, Andy i saw this door before," I heard Rebel say.

I looked and it was a white door.

"Where have you seen it?" I asked.

"Well, when I tried to commit suicide that one time, I saw this door," she said.

"Well, let's see what on the other side," I said.

I grabbed her hand and we walked towards the door. She looked at me and back at tge door. She opened the door and we walked through it.

I woke up to a very bright light.

"Fucking god," I said.

"Andy?" I heard someone say.

When I regain my vision I was looking at the most beautiful hazel eyes.

"Hey babe," I said.

"Oh my God. Your up. Your really up," Ashley said.

"I think i am," I said.

I was instantly attack by kisses by Ashley. I laughed.

"Ok, Ashley your gonna kill me with kisses," I laughed.

"Finally your up you doof,"i heard Rebel say.

I looked over and she was sitting up.

"Same to you," I said.

"Um, there is something I have to tell you both," I heard Ashley said.

We looked at him.

"What ia it?" Rebel asked.

"When Rebel gets cleared from the doctor she is being charged for manslaughter. They are saying that Rebel is most likely go to prison," he said.

"What!!" Me and Rebel both yelled.

Hey guya I'm back!!! I was so brain dead lately. But I think im back on track. See ya✌

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