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Avril POV


New York October 31, 2017 My First Concert.

"Are you sure you found this in my dressing room?" I asked Elias.

"Yes. It was laying right there in the middle of the table with old rusted blades surrounding it." Elias said.

Shit. How did she find me. Its been a whole year almost.

"Don't touch anything in that room. Ill handle it." I stated and left.

I went to the dressing room and there on the table, laid a white envelope with my real name. Surrounded by rusted blades.

I grabbed the envelope and opened it.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You hurt me
I hurt you

I threw the blades and envelop away and just went and perform my show.

(After show)

After my show i went to my dressing room. When I opened the door everything was dark. I turned on the light and screamed. There was a message.... In blood.


(Flash back over)

Camera crews came took pictures and all that junk.

"No comment." I said and let the police shut the door.

A team of officers started on the room. One came over to me and started questioning me.

"Were you here when this took place?" he asked.

"No, I'm just covered in blood for fun. Yes I was here. I was sleeping." I said.

"What was your bodyguard doing? Nothing?" he accused.

"For you information my bodyguard was doing something. He was protecting me. He more protective then you pigs." I spat.

The police officer look stunned. He said nothing and left. After everybody took pictures and stuff the were gone.

"Lets love you to another room." Robert said.

I nodded.We moved to another hotel. When we got to the room I instantly ran to the bathroom and got cleaned up. When I got out I grabbed a robe and put it on.

I grabbed my phone and called the one person who knows what's going on.


"Hey Sam. It Rebel you think you could meet me at Hampton Inn? Plz its him again." I said.

I heard a thump and cursing.

"Ill be right there." he said and hung up.

I sat my phone down and wait. Robert came in.

"Sam Radke is here." he told me.

"I know. Send him in. Also please leave the door. I want to talk to him privately." I told him.

He nodded and left. Then Sam came in and let me tell you he looks different.

 Then Sam came in and let me tell you he looks different

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"Hey." he said.

"Hey. Come sit." I said patting a space on the bed.

He walked over and sat down at the edge of the bed.

"What did you mean its him? I thought we took care of that." he said.

"I thought so to. But that before i got threatening notes. Also blood in my last hotel room." I said.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yea just a little shaken up." I said.

"What did you mean other threats?" he asked.

I took a deep breath. I might as well tell him.

"Sam there is something I need to tell you. I am Avril Lavigine." I said.

He looked at me and laughed.

"Sure. Good joke Rebel." he laughed.

"I'm serious." I said.

I got up went to the closet and grabbed the wig. I put it on and turned around.

"Now do you believe me?"I asked him.

"Wow. You really are her. This whole time you were Avril Lavigine." he said.

"I know. Get it over with." i said.

"What are you talking about?" he asked me.

"Ghost and CC already gave me a lecture." I said.

"Rebel you have your reason why you left. Who am I to judge. Plus I have nothing much to say either. With the Abby stuff." he admitted.

He looked pained when saying her name.

"Lets out that all behind us." I said taking off the wig and sat by him.

I leaned over and gave him a hug. He was hesitant but he gave me a hug. We looked at each other, with our arms wrapped around each other. It felt warm.

I know we both missed this. I looked in his blue eyes. They still have that twinkle in them. For some reason I forgot about Jordan and everybody else. It was just us.

We both leaned in and we kissed. It was like fireworks went off. My stomach was turning. The kiss esclated.

He pushed me down on the bed and kissed my neck.

"Sam." I moaned.

"Don't worry Rebel. You'll be fine." he said and turned off then light.

Hey. Do you guys think i should do smut? I just need one person opinion. See ya✌

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