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I could not sleep after that text.


It was just a normal night. Me eating myself to death with loads of sugar while Robert makes fun of me. Than I got a text. I threw a skittle at Robert and checked the text.

"Hey i know your in L.A. Don't lie to me. Anyhow we need to meet up. The Cafe where it happened. 8 a.m. 😘"

~End of flashback~

I nearly fainted. Because of that emoji. Jordan wants to meet me. After all what has happened. The question is how did he find out?

I looked over at my clock and it was 730 in the morning. Well might as well get ready. ^^^Pic up top^^^ I took off the wig and the cover up sleeves and the eye contacts.

I looked in the mirror and I just look like my old self. That i miss. I left a note for Robert stating that I went out.

When i got out of the hotel. I took a deep breath. It feels good to be home. I started walking and I saw the Starbucks that Fallen Angels recruited Raven. I pass the theater that we performed at.  I passed my dads house.

I stood on the other side of the road looking at the house. Like I did when i left. Dad is still not back yet. I shook my head and started walking again.

I made it to the Cafe and went in. When i went in I looked for Jordan. I finally spotted him at the same seat that it happened.

I walked towards him.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked.

He looked up at me and was shocked. I sat across from him and there was silence. We did not have anything to say to each other or we were to scared

"So how are you?" i asked.

"I've been fine. How about you?" he asked.

"I've been good. Just came to visit my father. I would go by and visit Sam and them but I can't bring myself to do it." I said.

"I understand that. You've been through a lot. To tell you the truth i was thinking you wouldn't show." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"I would always meet you if I'm not busy. Even if I'm busy I would still meet you. Your the only one besides my dad who I will never turn down." I said.

"I missed you a lot Rebel. I am so sorry that I thought you were cheating on me with Sam. You probably hate me now." he said.

I laughed. He looked at me with a questioned look. I finally regained my breath.

"I'm sorry. How could i ever hate you? I told you that i will always love you." i said.

Before I knew it we were kissing. At first I was surprised then I kissed back. We were imteruptes when somebody cleared there throat. It was the waiter. We quickly pulled away.

"What can I get for you?" he asked eyeing me.

"Just a Strawberry Milkshake." I smiled.

I looked at Jordan and he was getting jealous.

"My boyfriend here would like a coffee." I said.

I said. The guy instantly went red. He mumbled an ok and left. I looked at Jordan.

"Your cute when your jealous." I teased him.

"I was not jealous." he said looking away from me.

I just laughed. We got our drinks and made small talk.

"So how did you know I was in town?" I asked him.

"Well since your dads band is coming back here for the Final Vans Warped tour I figured you'll be back." he said.

"You guessed right. So how is everybody else?" I asked.

He took a big drink out of his coffee.

"Well lets see. Raven and Alex ate barley talking. Ghost and Sam are constantly at each other throats. I just exclude myself from the conversations." he said.

"I guess the Alex and Raven part is partially my fault." I said.

"How is it your fault?" he asked.

"Well after you guys came to meet us before one of our shows . Jaclyn and Alex started to date. Raven called me after the Cafe incident. She called me and started yelling at me saying its my fault that there together and and everything." I told him.

I looked at my watch. It was 230. I got 50 missed calls from Robert and 10 text messages from Elias.

"Oh um I gotta go Jordan. Butt we can meet up again soon. I have to take care of some business." I said getting up.

"Ok. Ill send you a text." he said getting up.

I gave him a hug and a kiss and left. I ran out of the Cafe towards the hotel. My phone rang. I look who it was. It was Elias. Oh shit

Hey ya I'm back. Do you guys know Bryan Starzzz? If so does anybody know why he hasn't posted a video since December of last year? See ya✌

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