1- Sorry, But We're Done

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OMG!!!!!! Thank you guys so much for clicking this story and actually reading it. So far over 500 reads. TYSM! Read on!


Annabeth and I were walking on the edge of the shore at the beach. One of my favorite place in the world with one of my favorite people here with me. Only problem was, I kinda sorta maybe didn't want to be here with Annabeth. Things between us have been...........tense. I just don't think I love her like a lover anymore. That spark we had when we first started dating kinda faded out.

Now I just  need to figure out how to tell her this. I've tried before, but I just couldn't bear the pain of having her hate me. I mean I still love her as a friend. I couldn't live a life without her. She's saved my life more times than I can count. I know that I will always need her as a part of my life no matter what. 

I need to tell her. Like now. I stopped walking and Annabeth did too. 

"What's up Seaweed brain?" She asked me. Her princess curls bouncing in her messy ponytail.

I took a deep breath and looked her in her stormy grey eyes. "Annabeth I have to tell you something important."

Her body visibly tensed. "Okay. What is it?"

I looked down at my shoes for a second then back up at her. "I don't think I can do this anymore."

Her eyes began to glaze over. "Do what anymore?" I knew she knew what I meant, but she was hoping that I would say something different.

"Us." Tears began to slowy fall from her eyes. 


"Look Annabeth," I said as I grabbed her hands, "it's not you I swear. It's just, that spark we had, I don't feel it anymore."

More tears streamed down her face. "Percy what are you saying? We went through hell together! YOU CAN'T DUMP ME! PERCY WE ARE THE COUPLE AT THIS CAMP! DID YOU MEET SOMEONE ELSE? IS THAT IT?"

I shook my head no. "No Annabeth there is nobody else-"

"IS IT DI ANGELO!" She shouted. "Percy sure he has a crush on me, but he'll get over it! We can still be together. I won't leave you for him! I swear it on the styx."

Wait Nico had a crush on Annabeth? My heart just dropped into my stomach and I have no idea why. 

"Percy?" Annabeth questioned. "Percy I would never date that gross goth boy over you. Percy I swear."

Woah. No one call Nico a gross goth boy in front of me. I dropped her hands and looked her dead in the eyes. "Sorry Annabeth, but we're done." With that I walked away. Leaving Annabeth alone on the beach. 


Camp Half-Blood. A place where an outcast like me can go to be ignored. Just kidding I don't get ignored as much anymore. Now I'm known as the guy who carried the Athena Pathronos(sorry about spelling) across the world, nearly died, and stopped the two camp from a very brutal war between each other.

People still ignore me, (I mean why wouldn't they. I'm the creepy son of Hades) but when we play capture the flag I'm always asked to be on eyeryones team. The only real friends I have here at camp are the seven. Well part of the seven The other half is at Camp Jupiter. Jason, Piper, and Leo are pretty cool. Annabeth, not so much. She's always looking at me funny. Like I'm gonna go and pee in her cereal when she's not paying attention.

Ah well. I don't need her liking me cause I sure don't like her. 

As I was walking through camp, I saw Jason at the arena talking to Piper who seemed to be upset. I walked up to them and decided I should join their conversation. 

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