15- Ginny Weasley

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I woke up the next morning with a smile. Maybe Nico forgot about what happened last night. I hope he's feeling better. I look over to his bed and frown when I see he's not there. 

"That's odd." I said to myself as I climbed out of bed. The dark a gloomy son of Hades didn't seem to be around so I decided to go ahead and get dressed. I slid into a pair of faded blue jeans and an old camp shirt then I threw my robe over myself to cover up what I was wearing. 

"Oh, your up." A voice said from behind me. 

I turned and smiled when I saw it was Nico. He has dressed already and his hair looked to be dampened. "Hey, Neeks. Where've you been?"

"I went on a run." He said calmly. "Had to clear my head some."

I nodded in understanding. "Makes sense. Ready to head to breakfast?"

He nodded and the two of us left the dormitories and mad our way to the dining hall. 


Nico and I ate quickly then made our way to our first class.  Our classes went by in a blur and before we knew it, classes were over. 

"So wanna train?" I asked Nico we walked out of our last class. 

The dark haired boy nodded. "Yeah Perce. Just be ready to get your ass beat."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah right. You can't beat me di Angelo. We both know it."

He smirked. "Really now? What happened last time we fought Jackson."

I glared at him playfully. "Shut up di Angelo and get put your stuff away. As soon as your done we can shadow travel to the Forbidden Forest."


I walked down the halls of Hogwarts with a frown. Harry has been acting weird lately. So have Ron and Hermione. They think they're the main reason we won the bloody war. I never thought the fame would get to their heads. At least not this bad. 

I sighed as I turned the corner. I needed a break. The lake always looked gorgeous this time of night anyway. I pushed open the large doors of the school and walked out into the cool crisp air. My steps were soundless as I walked through the green grass. 

When I reached the lake a smile found its way to my face. The moon was glowing over it making the water glow as well. The water was calm and peaceful Just what I needed. 

I smiled and sat down in the soft grass but as soon as my hand made contact with the lush green, the lake began to quake. The water was churning and then out of nowhere a jet of water shoots out of the lake like a rocket. 

I stood up quickly and started backing away from the previously gorgeous water. What the bloody hell was going on?!

"JACKSON!" I heard an angry voice scream close to the forest area. Wasn't Jackson one of the Americans? My curiosity got the better of me and I found my feet moving my body towards the voice. 

As I got closer I heard laughter. "Haha, di Angelo. Told you you'd lose."

Di Angelo. That was the other American if I remember correctly. 

"We both know I'm not going down without a fight Jackson." Di Angelo said with an emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint. 

That's when things got scary. The air around me got colder and the ground beneath me started to shake. I bit my tongue to prevent myself from screaming. That'd give me away for sure and based on everything that's going on, I don't want to get hurt. 

Then it suddenly stopped. The ground stopped shaking and the air returned to normal. I was about to turn and run back to the school, but before I could a cold metal material was pressed against my throat. 

I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes. What if this is how I die? Who would tell mum? 

"Relax Nico it's not them." A calm, but deep voice said from beside me. 

The sharp metal was removed from my throat and I let out the breath I was holding. 

"Who the hell are you?" A scary voice said right beside me. I'm guessing this was the one who was holding that sharp thing against my neck. 

"I-I'm Ginny," I said with a slight stutter. "Ginny Weasley."

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The one beside me said. "You're related to the ginger friend of Harry's. I say we kill her."

My eyes went wide at the last comment. Kill me? Oh leaping lizards what have I gotten myself into.

"No Nico we're not gonna kill her." The other American said. 

Nico glared at Jackson. "And why not. She could be that idiot trio's spy. She knows too much. She could blab everything to them Perce."

Perce. His name was Perce. Maybe Perce was short for Percy like my brother. Yeah! I think that's it. Percy Jackson.

Percy sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Because. She just seems different." 


Yay a new chapter. I know it took me forever to post but oh well. I hope you like it. I think the Ginny part is pretty good. I'll try to update soon. 

Merry Christmas 

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