3- The Golden Trio

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"Harry, Harry! Can you sign my broom?!"

"Harry, can I get a picture?"

"Harry what do you have to say about the downfall of Lord Voldemort?"

Ah, another day here in Diagon Alley. Surrounded by my fans. That's right. I have fans. Apparently saving everyone from certain death gets you a mob of people following you around everywhere at all times. This is the life. 

Sure when I was younger I hated all the attention, but now I'm older and this attention is very much deserved. I mean I did save the whole wizarding world and everything.

I practically have everything I could want. A great girlfriend. Greats friends. And most importantly, fame. I was now the most famous wizard in London. I bet every wizard in the world has heard of me! I'm just that bloody brilliant. 

Right now, I was walking through Diagon Alley. Signing autographs and taking pictures with loving fans. I really did love this. What's not to love about everybody appreciating my awesomeness. 

"Harry can you please sign my book?" A timid girl asked. She had brown hair and greyish-green eyes. She looked to be about eleven which means she should be going to Hogwarts this year. 

I smiled down at the girl. "Of course. Who should I make it out to?" I asked as she handed me the book. 

"Maggie Dawson." She said shyly. 

I nodded and began writing. To Maggie Dawson. Your welcome for saving you and your family. Love, Harry Potter. A.k.a Boy Who Lived.

I handed her book back to her and she looked at my signature and frowned. She looked back up at my, her greyish-green eyes piercing my own. "You know other people fought in that war, right? It wasn't just you."

I scoffed. "Yes, but if it wasn't for me, everyone would be dead now wouldn't they?"

She looked back down at her book, then at me, then at the book again. She tore the page out that had my signature on it a crumpled it up. "I don't think I want such a conceded jerks signature in my book." She threw the paper at me and stormed off. 

I just stared after her shocked. How dare she. How dare she insult the great Harry Potter. Who does she think she is? I was out saving her arse while she was playing with dolls in her room safely. 

I turned and marched off to find my best friends Ron and Hermione. I spotted them just about to walk into Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

I jogged to catch up to them. "Ron, Hermione!"

They both turned and smiled when they saw me. 

"Hey mate where've you been? Mum's going berserk. She thinks she lost you."

I chuckled. "I've been signing autographs."

They both nodded in understandment. 

"So have we." Hermione said. "After a while our wrist got tired, so we decided to come get our robes for Hogwarts."

I smiled. "That's a great idea. Let's go."

The three of us walked into the robe store and saw that Madam Malkin working on some other student. She didn't even notice us at the door.

"Ahem." I coughed. 

That got her attention. She turned to us, but only for a second, then she went back to working on the other Hogwarts student. "I'll be with you in a second Mr. Potter."

Wait what? She'll get to me in a second? I'm the boy who saved her life and she'll get to me later!? "Uh not trying to be rude Madam Malkin, but my friends and I saved the whole wizarding world. I think we're more important than some random fifth year, so can you fetch our robes? Now."

She looked back at me. Rage evident in her eyes. "I'm going to have to ask you three to leave." She said coldly, then went back to working on the fifth year Hogwarts student who had a sad look in his eyes. Probably because he realizes that he's the reason I'm being told to leave.

I scoffed but still obeyed and left. Ron and Hermione were right on my heals. 

"How dare she!" Hermione yelled as soon as we were out of the store. "She should be ashamed to talk to the saviors of the wizarding world like that!"

"Yeah!" Ron agreed. "What the bloody hell's wrong with her?"

I shrugged. "Who knows. Some people just have no respect."

My two best friends nodded in agreement. 

"Come on." Ron said. "Mum should have lunch ready by now."

The three of us grabbed our wands out of our pockets and apparated away to the Burrow. 


Yeah so this chapter is a little shorter than the rest and it's not my fault. In all honesty, demigods are better than wizards, so naturally, I just have more to write about when it comes to them. Sorry not sorry wizard lovers. 

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter. The wizards and demigods are probably gonna meet in the next chapter, or the chapter after that so stay tuned. 


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