Author's Notice

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p e o p l e - i - b r o u g h t - b a c k

n o t e s - o f - i m p o r t a n c e
-romionie hasn't happened yet
-harry, ron, and hermione will be suspicious and they're going to be very hositle and jerk like
-the demigods will not take crap from the golden trio; if the golden trio is annoying, they'll be annoying right back 
-the demigods aren't going to reveal themselves to'll be a way later in the story

that's all i think you should know....enjoy the story!!! 

this story is currently in the process of some major editing. i'm so glad all of y'all like it so much, but i've offically gone back t read it and let's just say i'm not hapy with all my mistakes. anywho....thanks again guys!!!

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