21- The Kiss

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Huge thanks to @LeSkeleBrosAreCool, for all the comments and special thanks to @HappyUnicornCat for all the votes they've given me. Thanks for reading guys!


I breathed in a deep breath of camp air. I missed this. Thalia's tree stood tall with a sleeping dragon under it to protect from any harm. 

Ginny had squealed and hid behind Nico when she had first seen the beast. I laughed and told her he was harmless. 

"This place is amazing!" Ginny said excitedly. 

I smiled. "Yeah, it is. C'mon, Neeks and I'll show you around."

She nodded eagerly and followed as Nico and I walked around camp. Her face held a smile the entire time. She seemed upset when I told her the tour was over but she beamed when she saw the lake. 

She turned to me with a bright smile. "Can we take a swim?"

I nodded. "Absolutely." I turned to Nico to see him frowning. I rolled my eyes and threw the son of Hades over my shoulder. 

"PERCY JACKSON I SWEAR!" He screamed as his small fist pounded into my back. I couldn't hold in my chuckle. "PUT ME DOWN! WE ARE NOT DOING THIS A SECOND TIME! PERCY!!"

I grabbed Nico by the waist and threw him into the water. Ginny and I sat on the beach laughing our butts off. When he emerged he looked far from happy. I instantly stopped laughing when I saw the small smirk on his face. 

"Oh no," I mumbled quietly. 

Ginny's laughing slowly came to a halt when she saw my expression. "What?"

My eyes went wide as the son of Hades began swimming back to shore. Smirk still on his pale but gorgeous face. "Oh no no no." 

Ginny was looking worried now. Her eyebrows were raised in confusion. "What is it Perce?" I grabbed Ginny and threw her smaller frame over my shoulder and started backing away more. "Percy?! Put me down!"

"Sorry Gin," I said to the redhead. Nico was now on shore. His smirk only growing the closer he got to me. "Hold on." I ran. I ran fast and hard away from the horrifying son of Hades. I didn't bother looking back because that would only slow me down.


I ignored Ginny's screams and her tiny fist pounding into my back and kept running. 


I nearly dropped Ginny when the shadowy figure appeared in front of us. "Gods Nico you gave me a heart attack!"

Nico laughed. "Oh, Percy. I'm haven't even started yet." Then he lunged. I dropped Ginny and tried defending myself but Nico tackled me to the ground. He raised his small pale hands and brought them closer to my side. 

"No no no! Nico don't be so cruel!" He chuckled and latched his fingers to my side and then did the unimaginable. He started tickling me. I started laughing and his long fingers moved along my sides. "No p-please stop!" 

He laughed and kept tickling. 

I could hear Ginny laughing at us from the side for our childish ways. I couldn't take the tickling anymore so when I flipped the two of us over and I was not leaned over Nico.

The younger boy was taken by surprise and let out a breath of air when he hit the ground. His cheeks were pink from laughing so hard and his hair was a mess and still slightly wet from the beach water. He looked so beautiful. 

Before I knew what was happening, I was leaning in closer until my lips met his. His lips were cold and frozen in place. Refusing to move. I pulled away quickly. 

"Neeks I'm so so sor-" Before I could finish a pair of long pale finger grabbed the front of my shirt and brought me down into a passionate kiss. Just like before his lips were still cold but this time they moved along with mine. The kiss itself made fireworks explode in my stomach. This was the best feeling I've ever felt. Much better than kissing Annabeth. 

"FINALLY!" We broke apart and looked towards the voice. I blushed when I saw it was Piper. "Took you guys long enough to get together."

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I helped Nico up too then linked our hands together. He looked up at me with his big brown eyes and tinted cheeks. I smiled and kissed our joined hands. "Neeks will you be my boyfriend?"

He sucked in a breath and nodded so fast I thought his head would fall off. "Yes, of course Percy!"

I smiled widely and lifted him into the air. He laughed as I set him back down and pulled him into another kiss. Things were finally looking up. 


So this is the end folks. Hope you enjoyed it. I certainly did. Tysm for all the love guys. 

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