4- Our New Lives (For About a Year)

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Nico and I landed in front of a large single story house in a pretty secluded area of London. The house was beautiful. It looked to be very modern which surprised me considering Hecate was a goddess and they usually do things old fashioned. 

The house its self was grey and white with several windows. In front of the house, there was a waterfall that flowed into a small pond that was filled with colorful fish. There were bushes lining the outside of the house and trees spread out through the yard. One tree had a small, wooden swing on it that was coated in white flower petals. The petals must've fallen from the trees above. 

I sighed and turned to Nico. He seemed to be admiring the house too. His brown eyes scanned the area around us before they made their way over to me. Nico looked at me as I looked at him. We just stood there staring into each other's eyes. Sea green meeting chocolate brown. 

Nico cleared his throat and looked down at his shoes. "So uh do you wanna go in?" 

I could feel my face heating up. "Yeah, lets go." 

Nico began walking up to the large brown door. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a silver key. He stuck the key in the door and unlocked it. The two of us walked in the house and I was speechless. 

This place was beautiful. It was very modernized. The living room was huge. The whole house was fully furnished with comfy black leather couches and white chairs. There was a giant flat screen tv on the wall too. 

I walked into the kitchen and saw that it was almost as big as the living room. There was an island in the middle of the kitchen that had a stove and breakfast nook on it. 

"Wow," Nico said from behind me. I almost forgot he was here with me. He looked around the kitchen and smiled. 

I smiled too. Nico's smile was truly amazing. It made me want to just go over and kiss him right on the spot. No, stop it, Jackson. Nico's just a friend. Stop thinking like that. I turned back to the kitchen in order to try and block out my thoughts of Nico. 

"So should we go look at the bedrooms now?" I asked as calmly as possible. I really hoped Nico didn't know something was up because that would be embarrassing. 

He nodded and turned to face me. "Yeah let's go."

The two of us walked out of the kitchen and through the living room towards the bedrooms. There were three doors. My guess was that two were bedrooms and one was the bathroom. 

"I'll try this one," I said as I pointed to the door on the right. 

Nico nodded and entered the room on the left and I entered the one on the right. It was really big. There was a king sized bed on the middle of the back wall of the room. with blue sheets and a big blue comforter. The walls were creamy white and the furniture was white too. There was a 78" flat screen on the wall, and a bathroom in the right corner of the room. There was also a walk-in closet stocked with clothes that I liked. 

I smiled to myself. This was definitely my room. I wonder what Nico's room looked like.


I walked into my room and looked around before walking over to my bed and setting my things down. The room was huge. My bed was coated in dark grey sheets and a black comforter. The furniture was black which contrasted nicely with the creamy white walls. 

On the right wall was a bathroom and a walk-in closet stocked with black clothes and shoes. Yeah. No doubt that this was my room. 

I started unpacking my bag and putting my clothes away in the drawers. It didn't take long, so once I finished I had nothing left to do. I sat down on my bed and thought.

What could I do? I could go see Percy. No no no. No Percy. Bad Nico. Stop thinking about that gods-forsaken son of the sea god! Stop thinking of his sea green eyes and untamed raven black hair and his blinding 100-watt smile that could rival Apollo's- Okay it's settled. I'm going to see Percy.

I got off my bed and walked out of my room and across the hall to Percy's. The door was wide open, so I walked in without knocking. 

Man, I'm glad I decided to check on him. Percy was running around his room frantically, in a robe that just happened to be on fire. I don't even know how he managed to start a fire in the five minutes I left him alone. 

I rolled my eyes and cupped my hands around my mouth. "Hey Perce. You can control water!"

Percy stopped dead in his tracks and facepalmed. "Why didn't I think of that?!"

I snickered under my breath. I watched as Percy controlled the water in a water bottle that was on the floor to come out and douse the bottom of his robes. 

"Ah," He said relieved. "That's much better. Thanks, Neeks."

I frowned but ignored the whole 'Neeks' thing. "No problem. Now, how are we gonna get you a new robe?"

Percy shrugged and walked out if his bedroom, still in the now burnt robe. "Maybe we could IM Chiron and ask."

I walked out after him and followed him as he entered the kitchen. "What's that?" I asked once I was fully in. On the counter was a purple sack with a golden string tied around in, and a note beside it.

"I don't know," Percy said confused. He grabbed the note and opened it. "It's from Hecate. It say that there is wizarding money in the sack and that we need to go to a place called Diagon Alley to get new robes. And it says if we need and more money we need to go to Gringotts and give the bank people this key." Percy held up an old, silver key that had lines and swirls engraved into it.

"Alrighty then," I said as I clapped my hands together. "Let's go to Diagon Alley."


Another successful demigod chapter that is over 1000 words. (Unlike my one wizarding chapter.) Hope you like it. Please keep commenting and voting. I'm so glad you actually like my story.

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