9- Bedtime

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The feast was delicious but not nearly as good as my mom's cooking. It was hard to sacrifice our food being surrounded by wizards and all, but Nico and I managed. After the feast, the head boy and girl lead us to our dormitories.

Sadly for us, Potter's friends Ron and Hermione were head boy and girl.

"This way please." Hermione said with a smile. Why she was smiling, I had no idea.

Once we got to the highest floor in the magic school, we followed the crowd to a painting of a lady. She was slightly big, but I didn't say anything to try and prevent myself from being rude.

Ron stood in front of the painting and then the strangest thing happened. The painting spoke. "Password?"

Ron looked at Hermione and she rolled her eyes at him annoyed. She then stepped in front of the painting and responded. "Golly wobbles."

The painting swung open revealing a cozy room decorated in red and gold. I smiled when I entered and turned to Nico. "This place is cozy."

He hummed in agreement then turned to Ron. "Where do we sleep?"

Ron looked at him then pointed to a staircase on the left. "Up there."

Nico nodded and gave the room one last glance then made our way up the stairs. Once we reach he's the top, we were in a large room with several four-poster beds.

Nico immediately went for the bed in the darkest corner of the room.

I rolled my eyes and took the bed next to him. "So Neeks, are you planning on sleeping tonight?"

The dark boy next to me shook his head no and sighed. "Haven't had sleep in a while. It would be nice though."

A chuckle escaped my lips. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

Nico gave me a small smile. My heart fluttered in my chest. Even the smallest of smiles from this boy made me melt. Oh gods oh gods don't freak out. Calm down. I sucked in a breath and smiled back. "Night Nico."

"Night Perce."



When Harry and the rest of the boys came up to the dormitories, Percy and I were "asleep". Not really. We were just pretending to be asleep so it didn't raise any suspicions. 

"Lookie here Harry." I heard Ron say. "The two exchange students are already asleep. Think we should go through there stuff? See what their deal is?"

Did this idiot seriously suggest going through mine and Percy's stuff? I could feel a growl form in my throat.

"Not tonight Ron," Harry replied. "But soon. These Americans are strange. That's for sure."

I rolled my eyes, but the boys couldn't see me. If they even come close to mine, or Perce's stuff, I'll chop their hands off.

"We should get some sleep mate." Ron said as he yawned.

"Yeah, we should." 

I heard muffled noises which I'm guessing was the two boys changing and going to bed. 

"Night Harry."

"Night Ron."

That was the last thing I heard from the two before the room was filled with deep snores. 

I gently turned my body so I could face Percy. The boy was already looking at me. His expression was mad. "Those idiots seriously want to go through our stuff? How idiotic can they be?"

I sighed. "Who knows. Maybe we'll be able to reveal ourselves and kick their butts in the future, but for now, we need to be under control."

Percy rolled his eyes but nodded. "Yeah, I guess your right."

I scoffed. "I know I'm right."

Percy smiled and laughed. HIs laugh was like sirens singing sweet songs. I would never get enough of this certain son of Poseidon.

"Anyway," Percy said interrupting my thoughts. "Wanna spar?"

"Depends. Are you ready to lose?"

Percy answered by pulling out riptide then running out of the dormitories. I smirked and followed after him. Styigon iron sword in hand. 


My bad guys. I know I haven't posted in forever and I'm not gonna give you tons of crappy excuses for why I haven't posted like "Oh I had school work", or "my dog died" or any crap like that. I just forgot to post. That's it. 

Anyway, hope you like my story. Oh, and I didn't reread this chapter so sorry for grammar mistakes.

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