7- Off to Hogwarts Pt. 2

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Percy and I stumbled out of the shadows right into a busy train station. I looked around for the platform we were supposed to enter.

9 3/4

"Hey Perce do you see the platform?" I asked Percy who seemed to also be looking around.

Percy pointed to a wall between platforms 9 and 10. "Do you see that? Must be a barrier of mist to cover up the platform so mortals can't see."

I nodded amused. "Let's go."

Percy and I walked straight through the wall and found ourselves in front of a large red steam engine.

"Wow." I turned to Percy and smiled. His eyes were as big as saucers as he looked at the train. It reminded me of me when I was younger. I let a small chuckle escape my lips. The sea green-eyed boy looked to me with a smile that made my heart flip. "Come on Neeks. We need to get a good seat before they're all gone."

I gave the boy of my dreams a single nod then followed him into the train. We walked down the isle until we found an empty compartment. The two of us walked in a sat down. Me by the window and him next to me. As soon as my butt hit the seat, I felt my eyes droop. I tried to stifle a yawn, but couldn't. My eyes started to close and I leaned to my left.

"Aw is somebody sleepy?" A teasing voice asked from beside me.

I nodded sleepily and snuggled up closer to my pillow. I took in a deep breath as I settled in. Mm, the sea. I thought as the strong sent of the beach hit my nose. That was my last thought before I was out.


As soon as Nico and I walked into the compartment, he took the seat by the window. I immediately decided to take the seat next to him. Once I was comfortable, I looked over to my right and saw that Nico's eyes were constantly opening and closing. The lids would drop low and almost close until they snapped open again.

I bit my tongue to prevent from commenting as he began leaning on my side. Before I knew it, his head was in my lap and his feet propped up on the rest of the seat. "Aw is somebody sleepy?" I asked the dark headed boy in my lap.

He nodded tiredly and curled up against me. It took everything in me not to coo. I smiled down at him. He looked so at peace when he was asleep. I began running my fingers through his messy black hair.

"Hello is there room for-"

I looked up from Nico and towards the compartment door that was now wide open. I frowned at the sight.

"Oh." A familiar ginger haired teen said. "It's you two." The boy turned his head out of our compartment, so I focused my attention back on the sleeping boy who's hair was intertwined with my fingers. "Harry, Hermione, we shouldn't sit here."

"Why not Ron?" I heard a girls voice ask.

"Those people from the robe shop are in there." The ginger muttered.

"What?!" I heard the girl shout in protest and confusion. "Why are they here?" I kinda zoned out from there. My hand continued to stroke Nico's hair while he slept peacefully.

After about maybe five minutes of arguing, the trio made their way into my compartment. "What are you doing?" I ask. "I never said I was okay with you sitting here."

The girl with bushy hair rolled her eyes. "Well there's nowhere else to sit, so we're stuck here with you."

I narrowed my eyes at her, giving her my wolf glare. When she flinches back I smirked. That wasn't even my scariest. Maybe a four on the scare factor scale. Off topic. Stupid ADHD. "I'm almost positive that there are other places where you could sit, you just chose to sit here because you're to lazy to keep walking around."

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