17- Sorry, But We're Done Pt.2

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OML......................... TYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This story has over 6k reads!!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Also, I've had some people ask me about making fan art for his story and YES! Anyone is more than welcome to make fanart for this story if you would like, just send me a private message and I'll give you my email so you can send it to me and I will happily post it in the next chapter. 

Thanks again!


I smiled as I got ready for school today. Nico and Percy, we're brilliant. It was only last night when they told me everything about their lives. The wars, their friends, their families. Well, at least Percy told me everything. Nico wasn't too thrilled about the idea of letting me know some things.

"What's good you in such a good mood Gin?" I heard Hermione ask me. Since the previous seventh years didn't really have a new place to stay, they just remained in the seventh year dormitory with the new seventh years.

"Oh, it's nothing," I said with a bigger smile. "I'm heading to breakfast. See you there." 

I walked out of the dorms, my smile never leaving my face. Last night still felt like a dream. I still can't believe what all he told me. 

As soon as I stepped foot into the Great Hall, my eyes scanned the room to find Percy and Nico. When my hazel eyes met with a familiar pair of dark brown ones my face broke into another large grin.

Nico smirked and nodded his head in a manner that indicated he wanted me to sit with them. It was official, whenever I thought, saw, or spent time with them my face would automatically form a smile.

"Hey," I said as a sat across from the two boys.

"Soop," Percy said with a mouthful of food. 

Nico rolled his eyes. "He means sup."

I nodded then smiled. "Nothing really. I just haven't been able to stop smiling since last night. I think I have a new problem."

Percy swallowed his food then laughed at me. "Don't worry Lil G. If you had a problem then me and Nico would surely help you through it."

Again my face broke out into a smile. "Thanks. You guys are so nice and we just met. Already claiming to help me through things like that."

Percy smiled. "I'm actually surprised Nico warmed up to you that fast. He usually isn't a people person. 

I looked at Nico and he shrugged. "You seem chill Ginny. I can handle chill."

That got Percy and I both laughing. I saw Nico with a small smile on his pale face. These guys were good people. Why in the world would Harry, Hermione, and Ron dislike them?

"Ginny?" A familiar voice said behind me. Percy stopped laughing and Nico's smile turned into a scowl. I slowly turned around to come face to face with my boyfriend. He didn't look too happy. His eyebrows were scrunched up and he was wearing a frown. "Why in Merlin's name are you sitting with them?!" 

I turned back to briefly look back at Percy and Nico, then I looked back to Harry. "Because they're my friends."

Harry scowled deeply at that.

"Why are you friends with them?!" My brother, Ron, asked angrily. 

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe because they're good people."

Harry scoffed. "Ginny you can't be serious. They're clearly death eaters!"

I frowned deeply at this. My temper was boiling. "Harry they are not death eaters. You need to stop accusing them of being bad people when they're clearly not. Now if you don't mind, I'll be finishing my breakfast."

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