14- Truth or Dare

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I sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair. His sea green eyes were filled with love and want. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to my shoulder. I was sitting on his lap. My back to his chest. 

"I love you, Nico." He whispered in my ear. I smiled as he placed another kiss on my body. The kisses kept getting lower and lower and lower until his head was now at my waistline. He looked up at me with his signature lopsided grin and all I could do was blush and nod. 

He slowly peeled off my pants, then my shirt, then my underwear. He then began removing his clothes. Soon we were both naked and Percy littered my body with sweet kisses. He started biting and nibbling on my collar bone and neck leaving red marks on my pale skin. 

"Percy-" I started but was cut off when his lips touched mine in a soft kiss. His lips felt warm and tasted like salt. 

"Nico." He moaned out when we broke apart. "Nico I lo-"


My eyes flashed open when I felt a pair of eyes staring at my previously closed ones. When  I noticed who was looking at me, I lowered my gaze. A bright blush coloring my face like a tomato.

"Hey good you awake," Percy said cheerfully. "It's time for breakfast. Wouldn't want to be late." 

"U-uh yeah." I stammered. Gods why does he make me such a mess. "I'll meet you in the living room."

The messy haired boy nodded and walked out of the dorm rooms. I sighed and climbed out of my warm bed. It'd be even warmer if Percy were in it with me but I know good and well that's not gonna happen. 

I quickly got ready by brushing my teeth and throwing on some clothes and a robe before I walked out. I didn't bother with my hair it was usually always messy. Not as messy as Percy's but still messy enough for me to not wanna do it in the mornings.

"Finally!" Percy said as I hoped down the stairs. "I'm starving let's go!" The sea green eyes boy grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the common room. I could feel the blush coming back to my cheeks as he pulled me through the large hallways of Hogwarts. When we finally reached the Great Hall, Percy practically yanked me down on the bench beside him.

"Wow Perce you weren't kidding." I said as I watched him shovel spoonfuls of food on his plate. He ate a lot before but this? This was more than usual.

He turned to me a frowned. "When I say I'm hungry I mean it di Angelo. I can't believe I let you deprive me of food for that long."

I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled. "Well, apparently I didn't deprive you long enough. You're still alive."

He huffed annoyed. "Haha. Very funny Nico."

I smirked. "I thought so."

Percy opened his mouth to remark, but a head of bushy hair beat him to it.

"Hello, Percy and Nico." She sounded cheerier than usual. Like she doesn't hate us. Odd.

"Uh hi." Percy replied. 

"Can we help you?" I asked bored. 

She narrowed her eyes at me slightly but continued on anyway. "I was just wondering if you would like to join a game of truth or dare with us Gryffindors later tonight."

I looked over at Percy and he shrugged his shoulders at me. I looked back to the witch and nodded. "Yeah sure."

She smiled. "Excellent."

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