12-The Forbidden Forest

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I can't believe McGonagall just said that about Hermione! I mean sure she's rather full of herself but still. And to insult all of us?! How dare she. We saved her old arse while she stayed at this school and did nothing.

Okay so maybe she helped out in the war just a wee bit but that's all! Everyone knows it was me, Harry, and Hermione who saved this damn world. 

"I can't believe her!" Hermione fussed as the three of us stormed through the halls of our school. "She had the nerve to tell me that I was walking around as if I owned this place! And she didn't even take points from those imbeciles who insulted me! I mean really! How did Jackson do the spell perfectly and I couldn't? That's just not possible."

"I bet they're Death Eaters!" I said with a glare. They had to be. Anyone in their right mind would be more respectful when in the presence of Harry Potter.  "I mean, Harry you even said you heard them sneaking around last night."

Hermione then stopped suddenly and turned around to face me and Harry. I practically ran into her backside. "I have an idea. I know how we can get some dirt on Jackson and di Angelo."

"How?!" Harry and I both asked. These transfer students were getting on my nerves and getting some dirt on them would be very helpful for future purposes and such.

"Harry, you said you heard them sneaking about last night. Correct?" When Harry nodded in confirmation, the bushy-haired girl smirked. "Well, all we have to do is follow them tonight."

Harry and I turned to each other with smirks matching Hermione's. Tonight would be good.



When nighttime hit, Ron, Hermione, and I walked out of the castle under my invisibility cloak in hot pursuit of Percy and Nico. The Americans had left to go outside as soon as they thought everyone was deep asleep. 

"So what's on the agenda tonight Neeks?" A grinning Percy asked Nico as the two boys walked outside of the castle. 

They had to be doing something insufferable if they have to sneak around at night to do it. Whatever it was, we'd find out.

"I say we work on swords today." Nico replied returning Percy's grin. 

The raven-haired boy nodded and began walking faster."That'll work. Now come on. I want to beat your ass quick so I can take a shower before everyone wakes up." 

The dark boy rolled his eyes but quickened his pace to match Percy's. They looked to be heading towards the forest. 

"They seem to be going to the forest." Hermione said with a questioning look. She was probably wondering why they were going to the Forbidden Forest. I mean it says it in the name. Forbidden Forest.

"Why would they need to go into the Forbidden Forest?" I asked confused. These morons would get themselves killed if they continued to come out here. Oh well. Not like I'll care. 

Once inside the forest, Percy smirked a scary smirk and Nico returned one just as vile. 

"Ready for this ghosty?" Jackson asked as he pulled a pen out of his pocket. 

What was he going to do with a pen? Of all things a pen?! 

"Only if you are kelp for brains." The gloomy boy was twisting a skull ring on his finger. "Draw your weapon."

Percy uncapped his pen and a large three-foot bronze sword sprang loose. Nico twisted his ring in a sharp motion causing a sword black as night itself to appear. I could hear Hermione gasp beside me, but I didn't look. All my attention was on the two Americans who seemed to have swords hidden within their personal items. McGonagall would most definitely be hearing about this. 

The two boys were circling each other before Nico made the first move. He lunged for Percy, but Percy dodged it and brought his sword down to try and get Nico. Nico blocked Percy strike and went to jab the green-eyed boy in the leg only to be kicked by said leg. 

The fight lasted for a long while but in the end, Percy won having di Angelo pinned underneath him.

Percy wore a smirk as he held his sword to Nico's throat. "Told you I'd kick your ass di Angelo."

The shorter boy just rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah. Now mind getting up so we can shower?"

Percy too rolled his eyes then got off of his friend. He offered a hand to help Nico up and the gloomy boy gladly took the hand. 

"Thanks Perce." Nico said while brushing off his clothes.

"Come on Harry," Hermione whispered. "We should go back before them so they won't be suspicious."

I nodded and turned around to walk back to the castle when the scary voice of Nico di Angelo boomed from behind.

"Not so fast you three."

My eyes widened and I was frozen in fear. Was he talking to us? How'd he know we were here?

I could here Nico's footsteps as he walked up to us. He was usually so quiet on his feet but I guess he was trying to be more intimidating at the moment. Within the next second, the cloak was ripped from our heads and we were caught. Nico looked into our eyes with his dark ones and I'm not gonna lie. I was very afraid. I'd never say that aloud of course, but still. That's saying something if this puny kid can frighten the great Harry Potter.

"Why the hell did you three follow us out here?" Nico asked. His voice as steel as ice. 

"How'd you know we were here?" Hermione asked clearly trying to avoid answering di Angelo's question.

"Don't try avoiding this bushy." Nico pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I'll ask one more time before. Why did you follow us?"

Ron let out a quiet whimper beside me but Nico and Percy clearly heard it. Percy rolled his eyes and approached us. "Cut them some slack Neeks. No death threats. At least not yet anyway."

My eyes widened at the thought of dying by the hand of these two. Ron was right! They are death eaters! We had to tell McGonagall. 

Nico sighed but frowned. "Fine. This is your last warning, If you so much as look at me or Percy the wrong way, you'll regret it. And don't tell anyone about what you saw out here. Understood?"

The three of us nodded our heads quickly then turned to sprint away. It didn't take long for us to reach the castle. 


Finally updated!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out chapter 12 of my other story Demigods, Meet Wizards. It's all about my newest story about the demigods being mutants. 

If you want some info on it just leave a comment saying so. 

Sorry for any grammar mistakes.


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