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The car was silent for about five minutes. During that time, I thought to myself about what we could do next.

"I guess the only thing we can do is abandon this truck and carry all that we need. Then we make our way to that RV." I thought while closing my eyes.

Kenny sighed. I opened my eyes.

"Well, I'm going to get moving. We're loosing sunlight." I said.

"Where are you going to go?" Katjaa asked.

"Well, Kenny and I saw a RV ahead." I said.

"Lee is right. We need to get moving if we are going to survive the night. " Kenny said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Kenny switched the truck on to see the time. "Its 6:12." He said.

"Alright, it's time to go. We'll head for the RV and carry what we can. "I said while opening the truck door.

"Alright, let's go." Kenny said as everyone started getting out of the truck.

We grouped together. Clementine held my hand because she was nervous about being outside. Duck was also close to his parents.

"I am going to lock up, just in case we want to come back." Kenny said.

"Alright. I think everyone should have some sort of weapon." I said.

"I have a pistol. Katjaa has my knife. Do you think the kids should have a weapon?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah. I also think you should get a quieter weapon, like that hammer or the metal bar." I said.

Kenny walked over to the big toolbox. Everyone followed him. I'll just take the hammer." Kenny said.

I reached over and grabbed hold of two crescent wrenches. "Duck and Clem should hold on to these." I said.

Kenny nodded. I handed Duck and Clementine a crescent wrench. Kenny shut the toolbox.

"Alright, so we ready?" Kenny asked looking over at every one.

"Yeah." I said

"Yeah." Clementine said.

"Yes." Katjaa said.

"Are you ready son?" Kenny asked.

Duck nodded.

"Okay. Let's walk on the grass. This will help to avoid those walkers that appear out of no where." I said.

Everyone seemed to be fine with my idea. I noticed that Kenny seemed to be sad. He hung his head down and didn't seem to say much.

"Alright. Clementine and I will go first. Everyone follow me." I said.

"No, I'll go first." Kenny said.

"Kenny..." Katjaa said.

"I endangered every-ones lives earlier. It's the least I can do." Kenny said.

"Okay. Kenny will go first. Clementine and I will go last. "

"Lee, I'm scared." Clementine said while her voice was shaking.

"It's okay Clem. Just stick close to me." I said.

"Alright. Let's go." Kenny said.

We started walking as planned. Kenny seemed to be very cautious. Katjaa held Duck's hand. Clementine stood close to me while holding my hand.

We heard occasional birds chirping. Everyone seemed to be calm. We walked for about thirty minutes through the grass land. Sometimes we could hear walker sounds but we never actually saw anything.
Finally we got near the RV.

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