3. night terrors

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"whoa. why do i get the feeling this kids tougher than he looks?" theo said looking at liam with his hands in the air.

"only when we let him off his leash." stiles joked.

"stiles, we were in little league together. and rachel me and you would always talk in music class. why are you so suspicious of me?" theo asked.

"because of these." stiles said passing him some papers.

"one of them is a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight year ago. the other one is a signature on the transfer form to beacon high. they're different signatures." stiles explained.

"huh. yeah, they do look a little different." theo said.

"no, they're totally different. signed by two different people." stiles said.

"so my dad's not my dad? like he's an imposter?" theo asked.

"yeah, something like that." liam said.

"who do you think i am?" theo asked.

"we don't know yet." stiles replied.

"want me to give you a DNA sample or something?" theo asked.

"no. i don't have anything from the fourth grade to match it to." stiles said.

"you know, stiles, i came back here for scott... but i also came back for you and rachel. someone like you guys. someone who's willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. i don't have anyone like that, but scott does. you all do. i know i'm in the right place. i'm meant to be here. i'm meant to be a part of this pack." theo said.


when they got back to stiles' jeep, they saw that scott was parked beside him waiting by his motorcycle.

"find anything?" he asked.

"nope." stiles replied.

"i fell in a hole." liam said.

stiles and rachel got in the jeep and scott went by stiles' window.

"it was the bridge where his sister died, wasn't it?" scott asked.

"yes, it was. very embarrassing. so we're gonna leave now." stiles said.

when he went to start the engine, it stopped.

"son of a... liam, just do me a favor, get in the car and turn the ignition when i say." stiles asked as he got out and lifted the hood.

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