14. plan B

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the girls were all in the chemistry lab at school while kira practiced to cause a brownout

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the girls were all in the chemistry lab at school while kira practiced to cause a brownout.

"what?" kira asked.

"do it. do your thing." malia told her.

"what thing? i don't have a thing." kira said.

"come on, kira." valerie said.

"you did it before. you had to learn how, right?" malia asked her.

"actually, no. it just happened." kira replied.

"how'd you learn to fight with a sword?" malia asked.

"that must kind of happened to." kira said with a shrug.

"oh, boy." grace said.

"so you've never worked for anything and basically you're a cheater?" malia asked her.

"this wasn't my idea. i mean, how are we even getting past the front gate?" kira asked.

"need i remind you that valerie and i are witches?" grace said.

"and stop changing the subject. do your thing." malia said.

"malias right, kira. you can do this." rachel told her.

kira tried but she ended up breaking the lightbulb.

"it didn't work." kira said.

"no, it didn't." malia replied pulling out a shard of glass from her forehead.

kira gave malia an awkward smile as malia passed kira another light bulb.

"come on, this has to work." rachel said.

"can i ask you a question?" kira asked malia.

"no." malia replied.

"did your mother really try to kill you?" kira asked her.

"did your mother try to leave you in the desert with skinwalkers?" malia asked her.

"are you really going to try to kill her first?" kira asked malia making her take off her goggles.

"why did you take off the goggles?" kira asked her.

"because this time you're gonna do it. and it's gonna work. because this is the only way we're getting lydia out of eichen house." malia said.

kira gave it another try and rachel felt a smile appear on her face.

"kira, its working." malia said.

the light bulb blew and then all the lights in the school went out.

"we should go." malia said.

"yeah." kira said.

"let's go." rachel said as they ran out of the room.


"she took out the whole school?" scott asked.

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