6. plenty of practice

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stiles, kira, malia, lydia, scott, rachel, grace, valerie and theo were all at scotts house so they could read the book together

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stiles, kira, malia, lydia, scott, rachel, grace, valerie and theo were all at scotts house so they could read the book together.

"my moms book club usually has more wine." lydia said.

"well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations." stiles said.

"speaking of which isn't it a bad idea for all of us to be reading this." grace said.

"that's why malias here." scott said as malia gave him a small smile.

"so none of us go running into traffic?" kira said as scott nodded.

"or worse." scott said.

"like what happened to judy." malia said.

"judy?" rachel asked her as everyone looked up at malia.

"chapter 14." malia said.

"maybe i should have my mother read it. she might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone." lydia said.

"yeah, if it works." stiles said.

"it has to." lydia said.

"what does that mean?" scott asked her.

"i think i saw them during my surgery. when i look at the cover of the book... it's almost like..." lydia began saying.

"a memory trying to surface." theo said.

"yeah." lydia said looking up at him.

"isn't that what valack wanted when he wrote it?" kira asked.

"if they actually did something to me, i wanna know what it is." lydia said grabbing a book and sitting down.

everyone followed her lead and grabbed a copy of the book and they sat down.

"anyone feeling anything yet?" scott asked after a few minutes.

"tired." kira said.

"hungry." lydia said.

"bored." rachel said.

"i think he meant the book." theo said.

"screw his book." valerie said throwing it over her shoulder.

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