10. a realist

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"i guess we're all telling the truth now

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"i guess we're all telling the truth now." theo said.

"you killed my best friend?" stiles said with tears in his eyes.

"let's be honest, stiles. was he still really your best friend?" theo asked him.

"let's just cut to the chase. you're gonna tell us how to save stiles' father and if you don't, i'll rip your heart out." rachel told him.

"are you going to let my father die?" stiles asked.

"if i wanted him to die i wouldn't have told you where you can find him." theo said.

"then why are they saying his body is shutting down? that some toxins poisoning him and they don't know how to stop it." stiles said.

"i'm getting closer to just killing you right here." rachel said.

"i'm not the bad guy. i'm just a realist. i'm a survivor. if you knew the things that i know-" theo began but got cut off.

"yeah, but what do you know?" stiles asked him.

"i know what's coming. i know what the dread doctors created. and i know what parrish is." theo told them as rachel glared at him.

"lydia figured it out. i saw it in her memories." theo said.

"right after you drove her out of her mind." stiles said.

"collateral damage. but if she's right about parrish, then things around here are gonna get a lot worse." theo said.

"i don't care." stiles said.

"that's what i'm saying!" rachel said.

"you should. because if your dad does survive he's not gonna be sheriff of anything much longer." theo said.

"what's happening to him?" stiles asked as theo began to walk out and rachel grabbed him.

"times up." rachel said going to bite him.

"rachel, stop!" stiles told her and she pulled back.

"next time you're dead, theo." rachel said before he walked away.

"did you hear anything?" stiles asked her.

"it was steady but i heard it jump once. and it was only for a second." rachel said.

"that doesn't mean he was lying." stiles said.

"i mean i guess not." rachel replied.

"when did it jump? what was i talking about?" stiles asked.

"when you said your dad was poisoned." rachel replied.

"that could mean something. a jump could mean surprised." stiles said.

"i guess so." rachel said.

"so why would he be surprised that my dad's still dying?" stiles asked.

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