15. for or against

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"get her on the table!" deaton shouted

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"get her on the table!" deaton shouted.

stiles and scott got her on the table and they both stayed on each side of her.

"whoa, whoa, whoa." stiles said when lydia wouldn't stay still.

"hold her." deaton said.

lydia let out a tiny scream but that caused the whole place to shake and rattle.

"doc, think you gotta do something." stiles said.

"i will. but right now, i need you to keep her still." deaton said.

"steady." scott said as deaton came with a big needle.

"what the hell is that?" stiles asked.

"mistletoe." deaton replied.

"mistletoe? she's got a fricking hole in her head." stiles said.

"stiles, help." scott said when he couldn't keep her still.

deaton put the mistletoe in the hole in her head but lydias body shot up and she screamed loudly causing all the windows to shatter.

stiles immediately used his body as a shield to protect her from the flying glass.

when rachel looked down at lydia, her eyes were closed. she flicked off the glass that was on her face and held her face in his hands.

"lydia. lydia? lydia. lydia, come on. no, no, no, no, no. come on, lydia. wake up. come on. wake up. can you hear me? lydia. lydia, open your eyes. come on, come on. come on. listen to me, lydia. hey, show me your eyes, okay? lydia, you have to open your eyes. lydia." rachel said but she didn't move or respond.

rachel looked over at stiles and saw the tears in her eyes. scott and deaton both looked away.

"no, lydia. please. you can't leave me, too." rachel said but something happened, she let out a breath and lifted her head.

"you okay?" rachel asked as she nodded.

"you're okay." she said to herself.

"you wanna try and sit up?" rachel asked and she nodded her head.

rachel held her up gently. looked around the room and stopped when she saw her mom at the door.

"mom?" lydia said

"oh, honey." her mom said going over to hug her.

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