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"stiles what is it?" rachel asked after she picked up his chemo signals

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"stiles what is it?" rachel asked after she picked up his chemo signals.

"rachel, i did something... um, something bad- i just- i didn't know- i didn't know where to go and i have no one else to talk to just..." stiles said.

"hey, it's okay just tell me what happened." rachel said.

"me and malia were at school looking through the bestiary but, i fell asleep and she left. when i went out to the parking lot to leave, i felt this pain in my shoulder and i screamed. i turned around and that's when i saw donovan. his hand had teeth on them. i ran into the school and i tried to hide from him but he found me. when i tried to escape again, i started to climb on the latter they had cause of the construction but donovan- he grabbed my legs, and told me he was going to eat them. i tried to grab a support beam to pull myself up but, i guess it was loose and then a pole came down and it- it went right through him." stiles said as he started to shake and she noticed the tears in his eyes.

even while stiles was crying, she still thought that he looked like the most adorable person she'd ever laid eyes on.

"hey, stiles. look at me. what happened wasn't your fault. you didn't know." rachel said and she placed her hand on top of his.

"you don't think i-i'm a murderer?" stiles asked her trying to control his cries.

"no, i don't. it was self defense." rachel told him as she pulled him close to her and wrapped her arms around him.

"please don't tell anyone. no one can know about this." stiles told her as she nodded.

"hey, i won't tell anyone. i promise." rachel replied.


"the dread doctors by t.r. mccammon." lydia said looking at the book malia had found in tracy's room.

"what?" malia asked when she saw lydia look at it strangely.

"i don't know. there's something about it. has anyone actually read it yet?" lydia asked.

"just me. and i didn't understand any of it." malia replied.

"we should probably all read it." lydia said.

"kira's working on that." malia told her as they walked to her locker.

"she's making photocopies in the library right now." rachel said.

"stiles says he can't find anything on the author. he thinks it's a pen name." malia said.

stiles wasn't at school today because he told everyone he was sick. rachel knew that stiles wasn't sick, he was just trying to cope after what happened with donovan.

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