Chapter II - Part 3

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The two women sat across from one another, Tessa still in disguise as she tasted the contents of the bowl while the other remained silent and watched the younger woman eat.

"You undoubtedly know of me as Baba's patron, Valeria."

The woman's fingers played loosely against the stem of the goblet.

"He also informed me that he has made you fully aware of the nature of our relationship."

Tessa chewed the most recent spoonful a bit longer than necessary as she watched the woman watch her.

"You mean about his vampire patron that according to him I should never, ever under any circumstances place my trust in?"

Valeria sighed but shrugged with a smile. "Baba was right about you, astoundingly smart and talented."

"Once we are done, I will gather my things and vacate the premises." Tessa informed her, having known full well from various conversations with Baba that his patron would willingly offer several other options to be weighed carefully and only after full consideration for the consequences.

Once I am gone she will begin to entice you to join her. It is their nature to seduce their prey not entirely unlike the spider's web to the marauding fly.

"You no longer have to worry about your landlord, I now own this building along with several others that he has managed until just recently."

Tessa frowned.

"I would have thought that he'd have waited until he cleared it out before he sold it."

Her visitor smiled at such thoughts.

"His widow proved very amenable to my offer and has been well compensated in the process."

She processed the news for several moments.

"His ... widow..." She observed evenly.

Valeria let out a long theatrical sigh, this time with a touch of sadness. "It would appear that he was celebrating far too much and may have fallen into one of the many local canals on his way home."

Her smile at the revelation carried with it certain hint that something else entirely may have happened to the unfortunate man.

"He will not be missed as he was abusive and clearly drank to excess."

"Is that some of his blood mixed with the wine in your goblet?"

The question did not seem to faze the vampire at all as she purposely took another sip as if to annoy Tessa even further.

"What are your plans?" Valeria offered instead.

"After I gather my things ..." Tessa began before she enjoyed another spoonful, "... I plan to become a street artist and find my place along one of the many Piazzas."

Valeria seemed to consider this as she looked around the workshop. "And what if you didn't have to ... leave, but continue to live and work here as you have?"

"You mean work for you." The statement was even and without question. "Baba suggested as much in warning or perhaps foreshadow of his having left me alone for you to pounce upon as you so clearly have."

Clearly this young woman was as much a test as Baba had warned her that she would be with what training that he had imparted to her, Valeria mused.

"For both of us along with sharing in what profits that are generated. I can also show you my style along with others that may be of interest for you to try."

"Sharing as in half or ..." Tessa made a show of trying to do some quick calculations while she moved her fingers, "... what you will tell me that you think I'm worth with my style of work alone."

"Your disguise, did Baba create it?"

"You're avoiding my question." Tessa scolded as she slowly chewed another spoon full.

"We both did as a way to make our way through the general public with little or no interest along the way. It's a simple recipe that I could share for the right price."

Valeria smiled as it had indeed been a long time since she had met such a street smart young woman as this.

"Although Baba does not appear to have actually had any blood relations of note, he came up with a plan that would allow you to inherit his estate and holdings as a second cousin once removed; someone who happens to bear a striking resemblance to the person before me by some opportune twist of fate."

Tessa sat back in her chair as she considered the woman's words carefully.

"And ... the catch...?" She asked with a tight smile. "With an offer of that sort, your kind would undoubtedly have had one or two in mind."

"No catch ..." Valeria replied with a laugh, "... although I can offer you the option ... in a few years, to travel with me as my dhampyre assistant if you were interested when the time comes."

The two women sat in silence for several minutes as Tessa continued to eat.

"Baba warned me about this dhampyre offer and how it would be part of any agreement that we might come to."

"Did he also tell you that it wasn't part of my agreement with him? He just never took me up on the same offer that I would like to make to you."

"Why not now rather than in a few years?"

Valeria stood and turned to walk around the studio workshop as if inspecting things as she went, it was only then that Tessa noticed the cane that she used as a guide.

"Are you really blind or using it as a mask." She inquired curtly.

"In time, you will be able to answer those questions yourself, without doubt."

And she was gone.

Finished with the bowl, Tessa got up to place it by the sink when she noticed a ring of keys that had been left for her on the counter.

Apparently the deal was done as far as the vampire was concerned.

Or her new patron, she realized with minor irritation.

With some reluctance and more out of respect for her mentor than need, she made her decision to continue their work; perhaps in the process to help make Baba's legend even more than it already had been with fresh pieces that could be marketed as his.

Time passed as she settled in alone, rarely having found the need to leave until she had to.

She enjoyed the solitude and the occasional visit by her patron as life around her continued on.

After three long years she finally admitted to herself that she had waited long enough; without Baba to have kept the up the charm and personality of the place she realized Valeria was right; it was indeed time to move on.

Catch or no catch as the case might be for her future.

Her short reverie was suddenly interrupted by the sound of approaching boots upon gravel.

For now, touch up to her painting would have to wait.

Their gypsy courier was here.

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