Chapter XII - Beyond Borders

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"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves."

- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Liverpool, Nebraska

The first sign of trouble for Zachariah Pennington was the absence of subtle jarring; a reoccurring issue that he had struggled to sleep with as the train had moved relentlessly across the open plains.

Now he found their car had become still and utterly quiet.

It was little wonder then that he had slept such a solid stretch and finally felt thoroughly rested.

Once he managed to roll to his feet, he moved to pull out the nearby blackout shade only to have been blindingly greeted with the daylight of mid-afternoon sun along with the busied activity that passed back and forth just outside.

He suddenly could appreciate just how soundproof the car was by what little of the raucous sound had managed to reach him beyond the slight hum of subtle murmur.

When he turned to check on his companion, he found the other bed neatly made with a small card that lay propped against the pillow.

Curious about how the ever mysterious Delilah had absconded without having woken him, he crossed the cabin for a closer look.

He smiled when he discovered the variation of his pen name written in fine feminine script.

ill. rev. R. Bracket Brace.

He flipped the card over and read the short note.

Train arrived late, our horses have been stabled and supplies gathered along with lodging secured for the night.

Cossack and clothes are in the closet for you, leave the old clothing, must appear as authentic minister ... or else.

Satchel has recording tools loaded and ready.

Leave everything else, I will inspect.

Yours truly, v.d.D.

"Cossack...? Now what the hell..." He asked the card while he pondered the letters that had accompanied her single initial.

The stark underline for emphasis that she had included appeared dark and hard pressed for intent.

While as amusing as he may have normally found it, now it simply inspired the subtle yet familiar sting of irritation that he once felt as a pupil when chastised by his instructor.

He opted to shrug it off as yet another part of her misunderstood arrogance while he turned to open the closet door only to let out a groan of despair when he reached in and pulled out the black long coat complete with belt and sash that hung from it.

Found neat behind were a black shirt and matching slacks on a hanger as well.

"You have ... got ... to be kidding me ..."

Not entirely surprising given everything else, found at the bottom of the closet were a pair of riding boots with socks folded on the edges managed to complete the outfit.

A pair of soft black leather gloves with the initials R.B.B. stitched in soft gold at the wrists completed the macabre set as a certain bit of panache.

With an exasperated look around the empty cabin as if to complain, he now realized why his roommate had taken her leave before he would have had a chance to register his opinion.

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