Chapter XII - Part 3

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Liverpool Nebraska had long disappeared behind them as they slowly made their way west, where they followed open roads that became nothing more than wagon wheel paths ground in to mark passage of the occasional heavy transport.

Pennington was impressed with Delilah's choice of large strong horses topped by saddles that were far more comfortable than he would have otherwise expected.

The lever action rifle within easy reach of her saddle told him that things were getting serious as they crossed into wild Indian country.

What meaning was to have otherwise been found behind the shotgun strapped to one of her saddle bags was probably something that he probably did not want to know.

Fear began to trickle across his nerves while scenery intrigued him with the stark openness and flat topped ridges that would give easy camouflage for a sniper or Indian war party alike.

"How far do we go, before dark?" Pennington eventually asked, having noted that the afternoon was well underway.

"Pickney's Gulch for a bed or we can camp trail side if necessary." She answered after a rather significant pause. "Just don't look around for a bit, we appear to have drawn company."

Forced by her comment to do nothing but glare at her back, he shook his head with annoyance.

"You do realize that saying something like that just makes me itch to do it all the more. What am I not looking at, if I may be so bold as to ask?"

"Three braves spread Custer style, following us in formation."

"Are you referring to the same Custer that was killed with all of his men?"

"One and the same, it would appear ..." She mused, "... unfortunately for him and ... perhaps not so much for us, given where we are and where they were at the time."

With growing concern he forced himself not to look back but felt the itch growing to just cut and run.

"They followed him for quite a bit as well ... out in the open." She explained. "Foolish boy let his arrogance get the better of him or he'd have noticed them as early on as I have."

"You never really did strike me as the over arrogant type." He observed.

"The other night, when I took a bath..." She offered evenly.

"What about it."

"Think of that, not the braves. Don't be embarrassed."


She laughed lightly. "Which unsettles you more, me fully revealed so suddenly then or them on our trail now?"

"That claw foot tub did look awful worn." He admitted in blushed reply.

"Built for three or four from what they told me when I checked in."


She remained silent while she focused on the trail and noted that the two outriders had kept pace at the very edge of her peripheral vision.

"Our suite was not actually in a hotel at all, but rather in a high roll whores den." She finally offered.

The brave behind them hung further back than she would have otherwise expected, given how far the two outriders had to turn to keep an eye on him as he kept watch on them.

"Apparently some men love mixing company with hot women and clean water."

Clearly well trained, the outriders managed to keep equal pace and not outride one another.

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