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se-ri-al kill-er [serial killer]

NOUN – A person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern.

The term "serial-killer" is certainly a hotly debated phrase with regard to when it was coined and by whom.

In fact there are entire books along with internet wiki articles that can be found on the subject in an attempt to explain what something is that more or less boils down to someone who has basically managed to commit three or more murders for reasons that they may or may not wish to share, nor us to understand as laypeople – if they are ever discovered, identified or even caught as many are not.

If you want to dig even deeper, the term serial itself has been long associated with published stories and plays for centuries, such as the famous Penny Dreadful term which refers to cheap popular serial literature produced during the nineteenth century in England and elsewhere.

With this series, it is actually set in the time of one of the most nefarious and as yet officially unsolved occurrences of a serial killer in the form of Jack the Ripper who in reality is thought to only have killed five people from eighteen eighty-eight to eighteen ninety-one, while having been credited with attacking more than eleven.

An unfortunate distinction given history and the many documented cases of those that both came before such diabolical events and after in victimology, creativity and numbers alone.

According to our ever diligent FBI bean counters there are likely as many as twenty-five to fifty such killers active at any given time.

Today, right now, possibly near you – even as you are reading this.

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