Chapter III - Part 2

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"As you can see this is where we've set up my studio." Valeria announced as they moved through what had once been the great library and until recently had also served as the mansion's business office.

Designed with a spaciously open floor plan in mind along with rounded sub-flooring at the center, the room rose up through the building to the very rafters; its many shelves filled with leather bound collections and other artful odds and ends that had once been the pride and joy of the former owners.

A grand fireplace accented by round stone and polished oak offered warmth when a chill might have threatened to set in.

"Sculptures have been set on display in each room; easels will be placed here and ... models over there to be posed accordingly."

Valeria's young assistant Tessa followed just behind while she frantically scribbled notations on a pad of paper, her dark hair cut back short and narrow as it just touched the shoulder pads of her dark plain dress.

Abby stood off to one side while she watched the women as they moved through the room, the soft tick of Valeria's cane having led the way, although her vampiric sight probably made it more prop of habit than a necessity.

Tessa had the paled look and feel of a partial turn, a favored follower with aspirations that included indentured servitude as she studied under what she hoped would one day be her master.

Their blood mixed while her heart still beat strengthened and prolonged her life; which would also allow Valeria the ability to share a small part of her power as she saw fit through the young woman.

Wounds healed faster, she was stronger than many would assume and although she could not feed from blood directly, she could eat regular food and reenergize Valeria when she was in need and when it proved far more convenient.

As distasteful as she had often found the process, Abby had yet to have found fault with the long tested and fully trusted turn process – in part one of many things that may have initially unsettled her about Pandora's reckless turn and release in such stark contrast.

Fortunately for all involved, the young whore appeared to have quickly learned to adapt and as yet presented a far more settled and less wild nature than she had been rumored to have had in the past.

Perhaps there was hope for her yet, particularly so if another master were to arrive that had experience with giving proper guidance.

Something that even Abby, herself found that she could appreciate from her own experience in the matter.

The sound of approaching visitors signaled that Poe and Rose had returned from their distasteful task.

The fight had not gone without a hitch or two against her, but once she had gotten the upper hand and managed to put the last man down Abby was reminded of just how much that she had missed the blood rush of adrenaline.

With the two women left on their own to continue what planning was left for them, she made her way to the grand dining room.

She was a bit surprised to have found a tray full of sandwiches set out along with pitchers of water and bottle or two of whiskey, but then again only Poe and Rose would be eating with what leftovers were left for Tessa who had managed to make and serve amidst her other chores and unpacking.

"We've been talking ..." Poe began as he ate.

Somehow the look of amusement from Rose gave Abby her first hint of dread.

"... and given my discussion with Clementine before your adventure along with what we have figured the slants may have intended; perhaps you disappearing for a bit might be a good idea to let them believe that they have indeed succeeded with your demise."

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