Chapter XVII - Table in the Round

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"At a round table there can be no dispute about place or equality."

- Italian Proverb

Poe found that Abby had not been joking about the table.

She just had not bothered to tell him of the subtle grandeur or the chamber that surrounded it.

The tailed three-piece riding suit that he now wore had been delivered to his quarters that morning by one of the Wight soldiers and had fit far better than he might have otherwise assumed, almost as if he had stood for measurements himself.

Perhaps yet another demonstration of the mystical powers available to the leadership of this place and those that worked for them.

Deep beneath the wine cellar and dry storage of the great hall were grand chambers built for the cousins nine and those that would tend to their needs while they were in attendance.

Wide curved stairs led him through iron gates lit by flicker of torch and kerosene.

Squared stone with grim age and veined gray mortar made solid walls that led under ornate ceilings to great wooden doors decorated with small winged statues that gripped rings of polished brass.

Opened smoothly on oiled hinges, two guards stood silent at attention when he walked into the great room with the large wooden round table set in subtle recess at its very center.

Further recessed alcoves spaced evenly along the edges held what he could only have assumed were variations of Roman standards, bronzed animals, serpents and a lone eagle with wings spread behind the oaken high back chair where his host sat and waited with a smile.

Leviticus gestured to a similar chair near him as Poe moved forward and settled into the great seat as he set his hat upon the table and pulled out his pipe.

His host made no move to object as Poe tapped and lit the contents.

"I see that my tailor has once again worked his magic successfully, I sincerely hope that you like the results."

Poe smiled while he sat back in comfort.

"Fits like a glove, not unlike how this room must fit those that it was once so clearly meant for."

"Sadly, it and the others like it serve more as tokens than actual rooms that are used by our entire group." Leviticus sighed sadly as he looked around the room at the empty chairs.

"Although we have come to allow others the gentile privacy of its comforts and confidentiality on occasion when we have found the need."

"I'd place a sure bet I'm the first ... normal person to see this room in some time."

"As a matter of fact ... you would be correct." His host's smile was a lost cause of stifled amusement.

"I wanted to stop by to thank you for your hospitality and the offer to use of your burial box." Poe offered as Leviticus reached for something and slid it across where he deftly caught it.

When Poe opened his hand he found one of his deputy's badges covered in dried blood.

"It was amongst her things when they were brought in ..." Leviticus explained, "I felt it better to leave it as it was, rather than have it become tarnished by attempted cleaning."

Poe nodded as he carefully put it in his breast pocket.

"I hear the meeting went well, I spoke with Clementine on the way over and she is not adverse to Deer resting with her sister for company."

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