Legalese and other such fine Minutiae

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This book is a work of fiction.

Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

Characters based upon Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series appear with permission.

Any other similarities in resemblance, name or paranormal nature of real people or beings dead, undead or otherwise impaired are entirely by accident and pure happenstance unless specific permission was given for their use.

Where some individuals may have been referenced indirectly in some fashion or another, a select few of them are there for reasons that may or may not be meant for only the author to know and possibly muse about at great length regarding the artistic liberties that may have been taken and otherwise enjoyed in the process.

Perhaps to remind a certain grouping of those particular individuals that may not know it yet, but it is a very bad idea to irritate an author for many, many reasons should they ever read this.

Or as the legendary Klingon Khan Noonien Singh once observed, revenge is indeed a dish best served cold.

Several historical events described herein have actually occurred and various historical references have helped form the basis for their fictitious portrayals within the following pages, although on several occasions certain artistic liberties have been taken by the author in regard to chronology and certain other particulars which were done only as it served for purposes of this tale and nothing else intentional or otherwise unless where noted. 

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