Chapter 13

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Matt's POV

Throughout the day I've been trying to look for Em but she's nowhere to be found. I got worried when she wasn't in photography class, she would never miss her favorite class.

As soon as the bell rings I call her but she doesn't answer, I get to my car to drive to the place she goes to when she's sad I didn't see any sign of her car where she usually parks it but she could've also just walked. I ran to the lake but to my surprise, she was nowhere to be found, okay she's not here but maybe she went to go get coffee and think. I drove there but she wasn't there either, now I'm really worried, I kept calling and texting her but I received nothing back maybe Rachel and Mark know where she could've gone. I drive home but go next door instead of my house, I knock on the door and it's Rachel who invites me in. Their all home including Oscar, I slowly walk through the living room and I guess my worried expression isn't hidden. 

"Matthew, what's wrong?" Rachel asks as she closes the door.

"Do any of you guys know where Em is?" Sophia and Oscar stand up from the couch to join us. 

"We thought she was with you" Rachel said starting to get concerned.

"She skipped school" Sophia answers for me.

"What, why?" Rachel turns to Sophia who is looking at me.

"I don't know, why don't you ask Matthew?" They all turn to me, confusion running through both Mark and Rachel. 

"We had a fight, I tried calling her but she didn't answer so I went to the coffee place she goes to but she wasn't there, and then the forest but she wasn't there either"

"She showed you the forest?!" both Rachel and Sophia said at the same time, why do people keep doing that.


"Your such a jerk, she showed you her most secretive place and you..." she was interrupted by Oscar.

"Sophia chill, just let your cousin fight her own battles" He makes her relax, Rachel and Mark on the other hand just look confused.

"Okay let's just focus on finding her" Sophia says.

"Yes, please" I say.

"Okay, well it looks like Matt already went to every place we know she hangs out so all we can really do is wait, she is bound to come home sooner or later" Mark suggests he is right we don't know where she is or where she could be. I just can't believe I made her go to a place nobody knows exist. I sit down in one of the sofa chairs and wait for Em to come home safely. 


I've been looking at my phone to keep me occupied it's been five hours since I came over to Em's house so officially it's been twelve hours in total since I last saw her.

A couple of hours before Rachel and Mark went to get food. They all ate except me I was too worried to eat even though they were eating I could see that they were worried since they said nothing while they were eating.

Everybody is back to how they were when we started to wait, all four sitting on the couch while I haven't moved from my seat.

Not soon after we hear a car pull up on the driveway we all stand up but before we can go outside Em walks through the door but stops when she sees all of us standing in front of her. 

"Where have you been?" Rachel says getting closer to her. 

"Why didn't you pick up your phone" Mark asks getting closer as well.

"Are you alright?" Rachel asks Em puts her hand out to stop them from talking and getting closer.

"Why do you guys care, you're not even my real parents" she walks past us towards the stairs while everyone is dead silent, shocked by her words.

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