Chapter 16

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Matt's POV

When you're in your room or any place alone bored, you start to think. I was thinking about how I used to be back in Portland I drank, partied and disobeyed everybody. I never want to go back to the person I used to be, I was close weeks ago at the celebration party I almost got carried away but being with Em helps me achieve my goal of being the person I want to be for me and for her. Although she has been distant these past few days, the first thing I noticed that seemed unfamiliar was that she didn't open her curtains like she always does every morning. I'm not a creepy stalker boyfriend but whenever I open my curtains in the morning her's are always open, but the past two days were closed. At first, I didn't think of much of it since I just figured that she was sleeping in but they were closed the whole day. I tried calling her because I was worried but she only replied to me with an 'I'm fine' text and hasn't said anything since yesterday morning. I go downstairs feeling the hunger in my stomach, both my parents are out of the house, my dad is at work like always and my mom is running some errands. My phone starts to vibrate in my pockets, I reach for it as I take the last step down the stairs. I'm hoping it's Em but Sophia's name appears on my phone, Em insisted on me having Sophia's contact on my phone in case of an emergency so it scares me to think its in fact that, an emergency.


"Matthew? I need your help"

"Why, What's going on is Em okay?" I panic.

"No actually" my heart rate quickens, even more, I knew something was wrong I felt it but I didn't trust the feeling. 

"What happened?" I hear Sophia heavily sigh on the other end of this terrifying phone call. 

"Today is Emma's parent's death anniversary" As terrible as this is it explains why she's been distant, she's probably by herself yet again which also explains why her curtains have been closed. 

"What do you need me to do?" I don't hesitate to ask.

"We need you to come by the house an try to get Emma to come downstairs or at least open the door"

"What do you mean by get her to open the door?" I confusingly ask

"Exactly that, she has been locked in her room for the past two days she hasn't  come out once, and if it wasn't for the fact that she has a bathroom inside her room that would probably be the only reason why she would go out or not even that since she hasn't eaten or drank anything. I'm really worried" In the background of the phone call I can hear Mark and Rachel pounding on a door, screams and the noise of glass shattering. 

"I'll be right over" I grab my house keys and leave the house running over to her's going right inside since they had no lock on their door.

"Go right ahead, we'll be downstairs if you need anything" I'm not even halfway up the stairs when I hear Em scream.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, I didn't want to do it I wasn't ready... STOP IT... AHHH!" I run to her door to knock but no answer she probably thinks I'm one of her family members downstairs. 

"Em please open up" Before I can blink the door swings open to reveal my very puffy but beautiful girlfriend. Her crying eyes glisten, her bloodshot eyes telling me how much she's actually been crying. I take a step closer and she rushes to my embrace, even only being separated for two days makes me miss everything about her. Especially being comfortable and being able to be myself, but as quickly as Em came into my embrace she retrieved from our hug just as fast, pushing me away like I hurt her, before I can ask what happened she talks first.

"No! I don't deserve your comfort, you should hate me I'm going to hurt you just like I hurt them" she looks at me straight in the eye backing away. 

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