Part 3

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Natasha's pov.

My hands were trembling, so were my legs. I knocked and then slowly opened the door. I looked inside, but I didn't fully come in.

N: Captain Rogers, may I come in? He was sitting on the edge of his bed. His head lowered down. His hands covering his eyes.

S: Sure, please come in. He looked up quickly, then stand up and with his hand showed me the way to his couch.

N: Cap you shouldn't be standing, go to bad and rest for some time. You just woke up.

I was really concerned about his health, I wanned to tell him to go to bed beacuse I'm so worried, but I didn't had the rights. I wasn't anyone to him. Just a ex coworker.

S: I appreciate your concern Agent Romanoff. He set next to me and I could notice that he wasn't much comfortable with me, sitting so close to him.

N: You can call me Nat..asha. I calmed my voice and looked him in the eyes, giving him comforting look. He smiled a little and nodded.

S: Natasha what happened with Loki? His eyes were showed a lot of concern again.

N: We won that one Cap.

S: Ohh, I'm relieved now. And would you like to explain me how we got here? He sighed and turned to look at me.

His eyes looked at my lips who now started trembling. I didn't know from where to start. I bit my lip and put my hair behind my ear. He kept starring at me and he noticed my nervousness.

S: Natasha, are you okay? He asked, but politely. He wasn't really worried.

N: Sure. Just.. Is..Is it okay if I call you Steve.

S: Of course. He gave me assuring smile and I continued.

N: We were coworkers... Actually friends till..

S: I'm sorry I can't remember anything after we arrived at New York, I wish I could recall our friendship.

His pronouncement was warming me, but the fact that I was lying him in sober mind made me feel really bad.

I didn't stop there..I continued lying him. For his good and also my own. I wanted to protect him, but I guess that behind that purpose was the scared side of me. I couldn't tell him the truth when I know that he might not want my love.

N: We became really good friends during past five years and when we lived together.

S: You and I? Why did we lived together?

N: We were hiding from Ross and his agents. Beacuse of the accords, you disagreed with Tony and..

S: Stark? What about him?

N: Well, we as a team made some huge public mistakes and he wanted us, the Avengers to be under command of the United Nations. And we could operate only if they let us.

S: What happened then?

N: You didn't approve that. Not only you, but Sam, Wanda, Clint and Scott. I thought it might be better not to mention about Barnes. It would be a lot for him to find out in one day.

S: Wanda, Scott, Sam.. who are they?

N: Sam and Wanda joint the team few years ago. I don't know much about Scott, he is the Ant-Man.

S: That means you fought against me?

N: Not exactly. I wouldn't be sitting here if I did. I let you go, I kind of... betrayed Tony for you.

S: How did you ended up on the run?

N: When they heard that I let you go they went after me, they called me a criminal beacuse I helped you. Of course I didn't surrender.

He listened me carefully, his eyes were scanning parts of my face. Hes starred at my lips, eventually he would look at my hair and then our eyes would meet.

That was a huge distraction for my mind, but I didn't react to any of that. I just continued talking.

S: How did we find each other again? His eyes showed shame when he said the word "we".

N: They almost caught me when I was in London, you saw that on TV and came to save me.

S: Did I?

N: Yes... you did.

S: Then we started living together?

N: For about three months.

S: Alone..? I mean it was just the two of us?

N: Mhm. I nodded. Then I touched my belly as I felt little tired, but I didn't show it too much. Still his view was fixed on me.

S: I know you are pregnant... You should be more careful. Do you need something?

I was terrified. Starring at him blindly. I didn't know how he has find out.

S:The nurse told me.

N: Ohhh, okay. I'm fine thanks.

S: I'm glad we are safe and sound here. Thank you for taking care of me and for saving me.

N: We promised to protect each others lives no matter what.

He nodded. My heart ached, I didn't have much things to say.

N: I think that this is enough informations for now. I have to go now.

S: See you later.

I closed my eyes to hide the tears and left.


They talked. Poor Nat she must find a way into his heart again. Do you think that Steve's feelings will change before or after she tells him the truth?

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