Part 7

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Steve's pov.

This has gone too far. I haven't had good, nice sleep since...Well, I don't remember since when, but I'm extremely tired of this dreams. Actually I hope they are dreams... I'm sure they are like 70% percent.

Every night I'm getting scared to put my head on the pillow beacuse it already gives me so much physical pain, I try to avoid emotional as much as possible. I want to ask for help beacuse it hurts every single time those pictures flash to my mind...On the other hand I will never like to say what pictures are causing that pain. Beacuse with that pain along comes pleasure, desire, love...only it's with the wrong person.

I had constant dreams about Natasha, only the weird thing is that I had them even when I was doing something random. Imaginations of her in my arms, then me kissing her gently on her smooth neck, her voice when she said "I love you Steven Grant Rogers". And everytime I would go through those few moments I had horrible headache. In fact I'm afraid that those might me something else... memories. The only thing that made me consider the possibility that they may not be dreams is that they were connected, I had a picture of a whole story in my head. I tried to ignore all my thoughts when it comes to that option.

Even though those dreams made me think of Natasha in a way that I had never. I didn't love her. She is just someone very precious to me. Someone who I care about endlessly. Someone that I would protect with my life. Her happiness means the world to me...And I don't know what is that called.

Then I heard soft sry, Natasha's cry.

As a routine I get to her room as fast as I could and entered like storm.

Her room was all messed up, she was pouring wine in a glass, then as she saw me she let them both fall on the ground. After that she leaned back on the wall and started falling.

N: Natasha... I ran to her side to support her from collapsing on the ground. Than I get her in my arms and layed her on the couch, I kneeled before her.

N: I miss him so much. She hardly said.

S: It's okay Natasha.. I removed her hair from her face and whipped the tears. She didn't move, her eyes were locked on me.

N: No it's not!

S: Please tell me you didn't drink... I made more serious face and she moved her head in negative.

S: Okay then... I sighed.

N: He doesn't even know how much I need him right now. Our eyes were focused on each other when she said that.

S: Please, for your baby. I cupped her cheeks. My heart was broken like stupid glass of water. She looked bad, so bad.

N: I didn't know that I need him there when I cry. I need to hear him say "I love you". Over and over and over..! I can't...It's been so long...I thought I could pretend... but I can't.

She stared breathing fast and the tears were unstoppable.

Natasha's pov.

He kissed my forehead, his lips stayed there for long. He warmed me, than his lips moved lower and he kissed me on the edge of my cheek and jawline.

S: Don't cry. A tear fell down his cheek.

I hid my face into his chest. His hands around my waist and he took me in his arms carefully. He laid me on the bed and than he laid next to me. I was still crying on his chest while his hand was stroking my hair.

N: I only want him back, like before. When he loved me. I said in between my breaths. And I didn't want to stop, I wanted to cry my eyes out, to open up in front of him beacuse I've been playing this game for too long. My pain was hard to live with, but not strong enough to make me confess everything.

S: Natasha It's too late. You shoud sleep.
He sounded calmer than before.

His thumb whipped my tears again. And that's when I felt the need to tell him at least this.

N: Steve, I need you here...forever.

S: I'm staying...forever. He smiled softly.

Laying in the silent, waiting for any signs that I'm getting him back. Still nothing.

Steve's pov.

In the morning we woke up in each others arms, like in my dreams. Just I never had the courage to ask if she could confirm that those were just some stupid meaningless dreams.

She got up, took a shower and I prepared breakfast for us.

I was about to check if she's okay, but then I heard her screaming. That time I was terrified and didn't thought if she's naked or anything else. I opened the door and imidiatly came to her. She was fully covered in her nightie.

N: You gotta take me to labor..My water broke!

S: I don't know where is that?

N: Just press the red button next to my bed and the nurses will come...Hurry up!

I left her alone and like crazy started pushing the button again and again. Than I returned to Natasha's side and helped her walk out of the bathroom. In seconds the nurses arrived with hospital stretcher. Natasha laid down and they carried her to one room that was so far from where we stayed. I got lost in the halls and at first I didn't noticed that I'm actually lost.

S: Hey..Everything is going to be fine...

N: Steve what if...I don't make it...

S: You'll be fine...okay...relax...

The nurses and Natasha entered in the room and they told me to stay out. I couldn't say anything. My hands started sweating and I kept hearing Natasha's scream that drove me crazy. I didn't move from that door for three hours...The doctor kept yelling "Push!".

When I didn't expect Natasha's screamings stopped and what I heard next was baby's cry. I couldn't stay outside anymore. I entered the room and ran to Natasha's side. She grabbed my hand and put it close to her chest. I kneeled down and kissed her forehead.

S: You did it... She smiled to my words and leaned her head back on the bed.

She was covered in sweat, her hair was all wet. They put the baby in her hands and she let a tear out. She cupped her face and kissed her hand gently. Than Rose stopped crying.

S: She's very much like you. She laughed in relief and than let another tear fall down her cheek.

N: Rose...My baby Rose..

Natasha spoke like a real mother. That tear me up. She deserves this, her little heaven. I couldn't be happier for her. And the little angel in her arms was so sweet.

S: She's very beautiful.

Natasha nodded, she didn't looked away for a second.

N: I love little princess. My Rose...

She brought Rose closer and smelled her. After that she kissed her cheeks and looked up to see me.

N: Do you want to hold her?

S: I don't know how.

I tensed up, I didn't want to deny. I did want to hold her, but I was afraid.

N: Look the way I do it. Don't let her head fall back.

Natasha handed her to me and there wasn't a second I was calm. I started shaking from fear.

S: Alright then...Ohhh I'm so scared. I was saying under my breaths.

N: You are doing very well. She smiled to my nervousness.

S: Yeah? Okay than...

Than the doctor come and told us that Natasha should feed her so I left. In the end of this day I was extremely happy and so glad that this little princess is going to make our lives brighter. This whole situation made me forget about the pictures that I was constantly seeing, but after while the headache was back and Natasha's face was stuck in my head again.

Rose is born! What do you think happens next? Review this chapter please and also I'm sorry for inactivity. I'll try to update soon.

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