Part 14

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Almost two weeks passed and nothing went as Natasha thought it would. She and Steve didn't become what they were, he didn't even try to talk to her after he find out the truth. His daughter was his whole world and he didn't want to miss a second not spending it like a father, doing what a real father should do. At the same time Natasha started feeling lonely, even invisible for him, sometimes Steve wouldn't even come in the same room where she was. Natasha wanted for them to be closer, but she couldn't control Steve, neither she could convince herself to stop trying to make him fall in love.

It was 20:26 on the clock and Natasha still sat on the sofa, thinking, giving second thoughts if she should go to Steve's room or not. Than she decided to go to his room after Rose fall asleep.

*Knock, knock*

Steve wasn't sleeping, he was thinking about Natasha.

"How am I going to tell her...? How am I even supposed to do that? I can't just..uff" He thought and just than her heard her voice from behind the door.

N: Steve? Can we talk?

He quickly get up, opened the door and let her in without saying a word.

N: How long will you do this?

S: I was confused.

N: I get it. You are confused so you don't want to talk to me or you don't wanna look at me, you just don't want me... but I did nothing wrong to you Steve!

Natasha yelled.

S: No, I'm sorry... But you can't expect me to just get over with all of this and continue...

N: What am I supposed to do than?

S: Nat I need to tell you something... I understand that you are in pain and so was...

N: It's okay.

She stopped him, beacuse she thought he would pity her and that's the last thing she needed him to say. That also discouraged Steve to say what he wanted.

An uncomfortable silence followed until Steve spoke.

S: Do you miss those times?

N: I don't know.

"Absolutely" she thought, but she didn't want to sound miserable.

S: This isn't right.

N: What? What isn't right?

S: This situation...Beacuse, although we are living together like a family, we are not real one. You and I...We are not what we suppose to be..We are not partners, just friends with who share a child... We should be married. I'm sorry you didn't have the husband you deserved.

N: If there is anything that I have learned from this life, is that you can't love and control one person at the same time.

S: Natasha I want to stay with you on this island, I want to raise our child together. You know that.

N: Than...We should continue living our lives for our child and focus only on her. Since she is the reason we are together.

Natasha again didn't get want he wanted to say.

S: Is that what you really want?

N: It's for the best.

She lied.

Steve's heart sank in the dark when she said those words.

S: If that's what you want... than I..

N: I'm done trying to get you! I can't do it anymore! I have been waiting for you this entire time, to give me even a little hope, but you truly don't want to. Do you?!

S: Natasha I...

N: You are right! Maybe we weren't even ment to be together, maybe it's better that you don't love me anymore! We tried and failed... Why try again!

She left the room without hearing out what Steve had to say. Steve tried to stop her, it was useless since he was not sure what to tell her. He sat on the bed and couldn't help but start to cry.

N: It's over Natasha...

She was telling herself.

N: You can't blame him...He is a good man. He was your good man and he will never be again.

She covered her face in sorrow and cried quietly until she fall asleep.


*two hours before they talked*

T: So you finally find out?

Tony asked after Steve told him what happened.

S: You knew.

Steve's voice raised on the phone and he was certainly shocked.

T: I was not my job to tell you. All that matters now is that everything is alright and you two are back together.

S: We aren't.

T: Wait what? What the hell?

S: I don't think that I... I may.. I'm not sure. I'm confused, Tony.

T: That woman went through hell after what happened! Now you don't want to be with her?! She's the one for you, Steve!

S: How do I know if she's the perfect girl for me?

T: The thing is you don't need perfect Rogers, you need Natasha.

S: And what if I'm not the one for her? Steve asked in fear.

T: Than would she be still in love with you? Rogers stop acting crazy and tell her!

S: What?!

T: That you love her!

S: I don't! Okay?! Don't try to convince me otherwise!

T: Okay, soldier. Then what do you feel about her? ...Truly?

Tony calmed his voice and tried to make him realize.

S: Truly?

Steve felt something when he thought about her. He felt warm in his chest and his hands were sweating.

S: I miss her when she's not
around... a lot. I think about her all the time and...

It was hard for Steve to admit what was going through his mind, but he spoke the truth, only the truth.

S: ...And sometimes, for no reason, before I fall asleep... I'm imagining us growing old together, living the life we deserve...

Suddenly it hit him. The realization... how could he be so blind. How could he ignore all his feelings.

S: Tony... you are right. I love her. I always did and I always will. I can't imagine my life if she's not in it.

T: Than what are you waiting for Steve? You know what you need to do.

S: I need a ring, but I don't wanna wait. I don't want to make her wait. You have to choose it and I trust you.

T: Okay I will pick few tomorrow and they'll be at your front door before you know it.

S: Natasha mustn't know!

T: Chill out! I'll give them to the workers, they will give them to you.

S: Okay. Thank you, Tony.

T: You're welcome Cap.

With that they hung up.


What do you guys think? You didn't really expect this? What will happen next? Do give your reviews.

!The next chapter will be the last one!

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