Part 6

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Two weeks before Natasha's labor day

Steve's pov.

I woke up in the dark, in the middle of the night. The night was silent. I laid my head on the pillow and to my mind flashed something. Some feeling sent chills down my body and I remembered kissing her lips, that feeling made me close my eyes. Her soft lips, her smooth skin, the look that we exchanged when the kiss broke. Then again she pressed her lips on mine as she pushed me to that wall. The feeling made me blush even though my desires run wild at the same time.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again. This probably didn't happen, or it happened. I tried to let it go, but I simply couldn't sleep, my thoughts didn't let me rest. I wanted to know if that was true or just my imagination. Also I wanned to know who the father is. Who is the man who successed wining Natasha's heart? And after all that they had together, how he isn't here, with her? Thinking about all that staff I fall asleep, but not for too long.

I woke up all in sweat, it was too hot in my room. The temperature wasn't set, so I couldn't sleep in this situation. It was after midnight, the night was beautiful. I could see the full moon from my window. I wasn't going to sleep so why shouldn't I take a walk in the garden.

Leaving my room barefoot, my legs were leading me to the grand garden. I step in, under the night full of stars. Looking up I lost myself in the admiring view. The wet grass tickled my skin. Slowly I continued walking down the garden.

From the corner of my eye I approached someone sitting on the bench that was on the other end of the garden. It was a blonde woman. Stunning, perfectly shaped woman.

The moonlight was giving her hair such a glowing colour. She looked like a goddess. I was amazed, how could someone be so naturally beautiful.

She was stargazing peacefully.

Smile grow on my face, somehow the loneliness that I felt was gone. My excitement increased and my steps became quicker as I went towards her.

S: Hey, what are you doing here? My voice was sleepy. She didn't seem to see me coming, but she wasn't suprised. The moment our eyes met she faintly smiled.

N: Admiring the view. She was still looking at me and I was doing the same. My view was locked on her, but then she turned her head and went back to stargazing.

N: I haven't seen such a beauty before. Her melodious voice hypnotized me. Then I realized how big my affection for her is.

S: Me too. I breathe out, and sat next to her. Although I wasn't sure if I was talking about the stars or her.

I was staring blindly at her. Something about her beautiful face made me feel differently. Just a single spark made me want to stay by her side for eternity.

I wanted to say how beautiful was she, how I have started to dream about her, that odd feeling deep inside me everytime I see her, but I can't define it.

It was the perfect opportunity and the most wonderful moment for telling her that. And just when I opened my mouth, I saw her belly and stopped. I couldn't say what I felt. It wasn't appropriate. After all she is pregnant and it might not sound right. She is caring a baby and probably in love with another man. But why isn't he here, why are they separated? My subconscious was out of control. I had to know why is she alone? Why isn't she married yet?

N: You can't sleep? She faced me. Then I lost it. I couldn't resist. I had to ask.

S: Yeah. I breathe out heavily. Natasha, may I ask you something? My body tensed up.

N: Of course. She imidiatly turned to me. Her eyes were scanning mine. She was looking for answers behind my words. I could see fear that she was holding.

S: Why are you not together with the father of your child? I asked nervously.

She took a breath and began...

N: There was this one guy...The first one that I told I was ready to leave everything behind me and start a new life with him... But he wasn't. He... he didn't want me. He left me. I guess I'm not good enough even for him. Ahe lowered her head, than looked away.

I was shocked firstly, how could Natasha even be with such a man. I wanted to tell her that I was little dissapointed by her, but I won't judge her.

Steve: Firstly, I can't imagine you as a thing that no one will want. Secondly, that guy must be an asshole.

N: Yes he was. But then showed up this other guy...He was the one...He was the father of my child. But... I lost him.

Than I realized everything, the first guy is not the father. I felt really sorry for her, and dissapointed by me beacuse of what I thought for her.

S: I'm sorry. I wish I could do something to help.

N: Me too... But I can't bring him back, I'll have to win him all over again. She sounded extremely hopeful.

S: For a second ago I thought he died. Now I'm relieved.

N: No, no, no. He's alive..I wouldn't be alive if I knew he wasn't. She carefully said every word.

S: He is so lucky to have someone like you who cares so much about him.

With that I bared my feelings and decided not to think about them, ever again.

Yet, nothing could stop me from what I said next.

S: Natasha I remembered something... But if it is just an imagination in my head this would be really akward. I smiled innocently in the end.

N: What? She turned swiftly and as her eyes opened slightly more.

S: I remembered kissing you.

N: In the mall, on the escalator... ohh, that day. Did you recall why?

This confused me. Why did she sid on the escalator?

S: Yes in the mall, but not on the escalator... I kissed you in front of the elevator. She froze when I responded.

N: Do you remember why?

S: To protect you, so we can pass unnoticed. To save our lives. That happened.. right?
I was hoping she would say yes so I don't look like a psycho.

N: That really happened. You are progressing. She tried to change the subject, but I quickly asked.

S: We have kissed more than once? Why did I kissed you at the escalator?

N: Hmm, you didn't, I did. For the same reason... To save our lives.

I didn't react. I was still on shock.

Her eyes were closing, clearly she was tired and so was I.

N: Steve? Can you take me to my bed?

S: Of course. Put your arm around me.

I met her red chicks and her shiny eyes. She smiled, that smile made my heart skip a beat. That smile looked like heaven to me.

She put her arms around me and I lift her up like she was my bride. Her head rested on my chest and she closed her eyes. I could fell the beatings of her heart. They became louder and faster. I held her stronger, closer to me. My heartbeats were beating in my ears. I walked towards her door slowly. I didn't want to let her of my hold, but soon I had to. We entered in her room and I put her on the bed.

S: I'll always be here for you.

I whispered to her ear as I let go of my hold and she kissed my cheek when I was about to move my head away.

N: Goodnight Steve. She said with closed eyes and hide the sleepy smile on her face as she turned on the other side of the bed.

S: Goodnight Natasha. I looked down smiling and I left her room.

He is in love with her, but he thinks that the thing that connects them the most is the reason they are not together. Review please.

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