Part 4

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    ~Second month of her pregnancy~

Steve's pov.

Loud endless screamings woke me up. I recognised the voice in a second. The realization of Natasha having another nightmare, frightened me. Jumping out of my bed I ran to Natasha's room as fast as I could. I skipped knocking on the door and flew in only to find her in the worst possible shape I have ever seen.

She was covering her head between her knees and she was shaking. When she noticed persons presence in the room she turned to me with terrified face, then tried to stand of the bed and run back. The darkness in her room is why she didn't recognize me, her hair also was on her face and I guess she was still in shock from her nightmare.

N: Please don't hurt my child, leave me! She was screaming as she started running away from me.

N: I don't want to kill innocent people anymore! She said through her sobbs. N:Just leave, leave! She fall back and couldn't stand up again. I didn't know what to do.

S: Natasha It's me, please come down. I won't harm you. Just look at me... My voice was opposite of hers, calm and soft. The next second she stopped and looked at me.

N: Steve.. Her voice cracked.

S: Yes. It's me. Come here. I didn't step forward. I was afraid that she'll run back.

She tried to walk to me, but fall on her knees and covered her belly with her arms.

My heart stopped at that sight. I knelt down and lifted her up in my arms. I put her on the bed and set next to her.

N: I can't.. I'm not able to keep my baby safe. Thay will come for me.. any moment. You have to hide me...please. She cried in my arms.

S: Natasha listen to me! I grab her shoulders and faced her. Her eyes showed so much fear, I couldn't stand that look.

S: It was just a bad dream. With the same strong intensity that my hands were holding her shoulders, I put her in my embrace and held her body strong. She was too weak to respond to my words. I controlled her body, her movements, only to comfort her. She rested her head on my shoulder. I felt her tears on my neck. We stayed like that for long.

S: You are safe with me. I said when I let go of her.

N: Promise me. She said and whipped her face from all the tears.

S: Okay, I promise. I didn't know how. But I was hurted as much as she was.

She laid down and I covered with the blanket. Just when I turned to leave her cracked voice called my name.

N: Steve...Can you stay?

S: Always. I smiled to assure her that I'm comfortable with that.

I didn't hesitate to stay with her and although she slept that night in peace I couldn't even close my eyes. We stayed like that until the morning came. She was with her head on my chest and I watched her whole night, making sure she won't wake up.

~Third month of her pregnancy~

Steve's pov.

After that horrible night I and Natasha grew so much closer. We often shared one bed when she was having nightmares or trouble with sleeping. It's unusual how quickly she falls asleep on my chest when she has trouble with sleeping, but I don't mind that. I actually like spending my time with her more than I expected.

It become our morning routine to eat together, then to have lunch together, when the night came I would brought her dinner in her room and we will eat together again.

We often had talks that would be comforting or the misunderstanding between us would grow up and I would just give up. I couldn't argue with her even though I might be right, the only reson I would disagree with her is to see that cute angry face. I knew that she is extremely sensitive during this period so I just enjoyed everything.

I developed some feeling for her that I can't name, I have huge respect for her, and I care so much about her. I wish only the best for her and her baby..and I couldn't be happier for her. I just..want to know more about her.

~Forth month of her pregnancy~

Steve's pov.

I adjust with the fact that I lost my memories, I still feel kind of loss for someone that I don't even know. Like I'm happy, but I'm not completed. Having Natasha by my side makes everything easier.

Despite the fact that Wakanda was the synonym for Wonderland, we both shared the feeling of trapped in one place. Sometimes the thought that we'll have to spend the rest of our lifetime here sounded really depressing, but than I think that we would be stupid to even think of leaving. Natasha will have a child, whom she must take care of. Besides that where in the world we can go. Where else we will have guaranteed safety. I even had an idea of leaving alone, but since leaving this place means leaving Natasha. That would be very irresponsible and impossible for me. She is the only one I have.

Even though she was the same Natasha I knew something about her was changed. The way she looked at me. Her reaction when I woke up. Her warm smile everytime we talk, everytime we touch. The softness in her voice when she calls my name. Still there was a certain saddnes hiding behind her emerald eyes, behind her soft voice. Something that bothered me, some unspoken thing. I'll have to ask her, it's just that I'm afraid it would hurt her. Like there is something that she's hiding from me, but what, why?

I decided to ask her something about my passt. Something like a romantic relationship, or some friends that are waiting for me out of here. I'm just waiting for the right moment.

Guys I hope you like this style of writing. I have in plan to develop their relationship though every month of her pregnancy. Give your reviews for the chapter.

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